What he would do is you got bullied?

744 10 24


- He would cuddle you

- He would ask Robin to help him find who has been doing it

- If it's girls Finney would have Gwen dig dirt on them and blackmail them if they do it again

- But if it's boys He would get Vance and Robin to beat the shit out of them making sure if they messed with you two of the toughest kids would literally kill them


- Gives you kisses and ice cream to make you feel better

- he will probably threaten anyone girls or guys he will threaten

- If it's Moose and his fucked up gang he would absolutely beat him into a pulp literally  


- Cuddles and kisses along with a sweet calming movie to relax

- If it's girls He would kindly ask them to not do it again and if they do he will get the whole school to hate them

- If it's guys He would fight for you along with Vance, Robin and Finney to sure they get the message


- He wouldn't know what to do but he would distracted you by letting you play with his hair

- He would probably definitely beat up girls and guys for you 

- If he catches them and they see him the will stop bullying you because they are already dead


- He would help you feel better because he's a good at making girls feel better

- Then he would ask the guys to help him with the bullies since he's not strong enough to fight if it's guys

- he would threaten to tell any girl's parent what they do in the morning since he gets a lot of dirt on them


- He would play with your hair to relax you

- He would fight if it mean you won't get hurt anymore

- If it's girls would get photo's of the dirt they do and give it to their parents so they get in trouble and know next time they mess with you there will be more

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