What would you do when they get bullied

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- Beat the shit out of his bullies with Robin and Vance

- cuddling and cleaning an wounds he would have on him

- Threaten to cut cut anybody's body parts and feed them to dogs if they mess with your man


- He wouldn't have any since he would beat them up before you have the chance to beat them

- Watches Texas Chainsaw Massacre and plays with his hair while cuddling


- No one would hurt him because he is to popular and a lot of people with get hurt if anyone does bully Bruce but he is an angel 


- He would watch you beat the shit out of anyone who would talk shit about him and he finds it really hot

- make out sessions in front of the non moving bodies


- He would hide it but is not good at it

- You would put a knife to their throats and threaten to to kill them there and now if they hear they have bullied Billy again

- cuddles with you and Rover


- He would stop you before you get the chance because he probably see the out come of you hurt and the other person all badly beaten 

- He would read to you to calm your anger

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