How you met?

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Further chapters will have swearing so this is a early warning for those who don't like it.


- you're Robin's twin sister

-You guys met because of Robin since you guys go to the same school

- And you have been hanging-out since with/without Robin around


- You guys met at the Texas chainsaw massacre (I'm really good at spelling so I'm unsure if I spelt it right)

- Ever since you first saw each other at the food stand you guys have been hanging with each other and with Finney


- You were cheering for your brother Finney with your younger sister Gwen with Amy Yamada (Bruce's sister) at his baseball game

- You found Bruce really cute, amazing and hot you fell head over heels for him that day

- After the game you walked up to Finn who was talking to Bruce and that where you hit it off


- You guys met at the convenient store that has a pinball machine

- He was watching you beat his high score and thought you were really hot 

- After you destroyed his high score he tried to beat your score as he was about to someone bumps into the pinball machine an he loose it

- You seeing him beat someone up excited you and you found that really hot so you pulled him away and gave him your number and a kiss on the cheek before leaving


- You guys bumped into each at the office he works for delivering papers

- He asked who you are and you replied to him and he asked why you were here and you told him you're here because you dad couldn't leave you at home alone so he took you to work with him (your dad is divorce in this one)

- After that day he would see you more and more often at the office so when he was on a break you and him would talk and get to know each other


- You guys met in a escape room that had been recently opened

- You and Griffin were put together in a room since both got there at the same time and the other rooms were full and they only had an escape room for two people

- Once inside the room you both looked for a way out with no luck you decided it was better to work together then alone so you confronted him and asked him if it's possible to work together to get out

- After you got out he asked you if you wanted to go get ice cream and you said yes

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