who would you get jealous of

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Finney: Donna

reason: You see the way she looks at Finn when she's around him and the fucking side glances at him just pisses you off

Robin: Vance

reason: Vance keeps getting Robin to help him beating people up because they didn't something that pisses Vance off which annoyed you that you have to help clean his wounds after the fight

Bruce: Finney

reason: Even if he's your brother you have gotten jealous of him because of how close he and Bruce are and you wish that could be you and Bruce

Vance: Pinball machine

reason: He is so god damn fucking addicted to beating his high score and when he does he'll try to beat that high school and you get pisses off with him every time he brings you when he is fully distracted you just go home

Billy: Rover

reason: You feel he focuses more on Rover then you and you get all pouty

Griffin: No one

reason: He's an outcast so people don't like him 

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