What nightmare you have

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You having one of your nightmare. "Hello Jane, did you sleep well I'm sure you did" said The Grabber when you awoke "Where am I and who are you" you said before he lunge at you choking you with his hands. 

You woke up screaming which cause Finn to do his boyfriend duty and cuddle you until you calm down "shh it's ok it was a bad dream I'm here" he said in his calm tone as you took deep breathes 

You explained to him that the Grabber got you and he killed you in his basement  "he's dead he manage to still crept into your dreams an try to kill you which haunts you for so long but you have me now y/n so why are you so afraid of him when you learned that you are stronger then him" Finn said so you can kick that 'monster' out of your dreams.


*in your nightmare* you were running away for the man in the mask that took your boyfriend Robin and now that man is after you. you hide behind a tree and just as you caught your breathe and turn to see if he was there he appeared in front of you and stabbed you *End of Nightmare*

You awoke screaming which caused Robin to wake up "Mi amor are you alright did you have a bad dream want me to beat the fuck out of those bad dreams" he said You giggled which put you at ease and relaxes you from your nightmare "My fighter is so stronger that my nightmares will coward from just looking at you" i said before snuggling into him and you both drifting back to sleep.


you woke up from and ghost of a girl you were friends with but she (sorry if this part may effect people please skip it if needed you have been warned) committed suicide and you blame yourself every day that it was your fault she jumped.

"AHHHHH!" you screamed searching for Bruce who woke up to you screaming holds you close to his chest as you cry "it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault" you repeated until Bruce patted your head and hushing you calming you down "It's not your fault hon she choose that path you can't change that so please forgive yourself it was never your fault and rest easy knowing she isn't there to torment you" he said which slowed your heart beat and steady your breathe "You're right I should thanks player" you said before you guys stayed up talking and watching a movie before returning to sleep.


You screamed so loud that you can hear Billy's dog Rover from five blocks down barking which woke Vance up ready to punch anything that scared you "Where is the bastard let me at him" he said half asleep "I'm sorry for waking you Vance I just had a bad dream that's all" you said and Vance didn't really care since he went back to sleep which made you stay up for the rest of the night not wanting to go back to sleep due to your fucked up dream which was Vance getting killed in front of you by a crazy ex of yours and he punch you so hard you blacked out and when you woke up from being knocked out you saw Vance's body hanging there in clear view which made you scream to wake you up. 


Bro you won't get nightmares because Billy will be the ones with those and Rover is your number one protector when you do have nightmares


this boy with be your therapist every time you have a nightmare and he will give you the best advice but you'll realised he doesn't sleep at all and he give you cuddles and warm milk to help calm and relax your mind.

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