Meanwhile, in the mindscape, Izuku had left the mind lab for the first time, sensing the foreign presence was in the direction of the forest that wasn't there before. Izuku was about as Happy as Bill was that someone dared to enter his mindscape without his permission. Which was why he unlocked the cages in the sewer and put the rest of the lab on lockdown to protect the experiments. Nobody would dare to invade his mind without having to face his night terrors. If Bill wasn't comfortable around them, then the intruders would be traumatized should they face even the weakest ones. The lab was safe in their hands.

Izuku traversed the forest aimlessly, wandering through the bushes and trees. Then after avoiding a not-very-well-hidden bear trap, the trees rustled softly, a gentle breeze flowing through the branches and leaves. The soft whispers that echoed said words that sounded like a message. Ironically enough, the owner of this mind seemed to be almost guiding him on where to go. Unfortunately, Izuku had been in the mindscape long enough to know where that road led, and he wasn't very interested in meeting this person's inner child, regardless of how much they probably needed it. Izuku walked in the opposite direction, the wind protesting his actions by blowing slightly harder. Though he was tempted to listen, he knew what he had to do. This person needed to be stopped, and that's exactly what he was going to do.

Izuku let his soul guide him to what appeared to be a nest of spiders. A web of lies? A nest of chaotic thoughts? Izuku could at least recognize the familiar shape of thoughts forming and bouncing around, creating plans and ideas. Looks like he found what he was looking for. He summoned a familiar knife and slashed away at the strings, each thread whispering its dying breaths. Izuku was surprised at himself. He didn't care about how his attacks affected the mental state of this person. He was completely apathetic to his own violence. A faint curiosity lingered in his own mind about how Bill would feel about this.

He had cut down every string that dared speak of Bill and crushed every spider that carried any memories of them. He had successfully distracted this human, now it was time to face them. A creepy aura tainted his knife as he walked back into the forest. He was greeted once again by the soft breeze, the wind feeling a bit shakier and wild. They had noticed his presence, though the breeze seemed to surround him as if to identify his presence. Did they think he was Bill? He wasn't sure how to feel about that... flattered? Angered? Was it a compliment or an insult? Did they know Bill somehow? He'll just have to keep investigating.

He wandered the forest, no longer paying any mind to the air around him, only to the emotion it was laced with. Fear and uncertainty rose higher and higher the closer he got to his next objective. In the middle of a clearing was a small shack, the words above the door somewhat blurry and scratched out. It seemed important somehow, but apparently not important enough to remember.

 Perhaps it was their childhood home, which implied that this person was not a child anymore. Less guilt in his conscience then. Izuku walked up the path to the shack and opened the door. The room was full of strange items, though they were surrounded by a cloud of dust. This place was once held dear, but it seems they couldn't quite recall what this place looked like from within. There are definitely secrets to be hidden here, but they could be looked at later. There was a staircase in the corner of the large room that seemed to have a clearer outline. The indication of how close he was to his goal seemed to stir a bit of excitement in his soul.

He climbed the staircase and walked down the hall, opening each room to look inside. The first room was an old man in a rocking chair who was snoring loudly, the second room was another old man sleeping on a bed covered in blueprints and files, and the third room was a bathroom. There was a small door on the ceiling that held an ominous feeling. This was it, he found them. He opened the small door gently, noting how quiet it was. Despite all this dust and grime in the 'house', this room was the cleanest. This was their strongest childhood memory, their saferoom.

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