Your Worst Nightmare

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(I have erased and rewritten this chapter 5 times now due to how unbecoming it was. Too chaotic, too unbalanced, too vague, too short. Never enough, yet always too much. Thousands of words down the drain with no memory of what I disposed of. Not much regard either. I hope my future chapters aren't this difficult.

But anyway, it's here, and that's what matters, so enjoy!)


The Void is a truly endless and unfathomable domain.

Watching the timeline play out in front of him like a scary movie at the theater was an... experience, but it was what came after that amazed him. Seeing everything ever in the universe, from how it came to be to how it is now, was a confusing and frankly mind-boggling mess of information. And yet, he understood everything. He wasn't meant to understand it, but he did -  it made him understand. He needed to understand, and so he did; for Bill's sake, he had to. And as the past became the present, and the present became the future, his surroundings changed.

A Reader blinked and two monitor-sized screens appeared below it. A future played out in front of him of how the fight could go. The first screen displayed a punch thrown to the left, but the second screen showed a punch to the right. The left punch landed on the nose, and the right to the jaw. The broken nose resulted in a staggered Dipper, while the jaw resulted in an angry Dipper. Izuku chose the one to the nose, and the timeline settled, the theater playing out the result in front of him. Then more screens appeared and it suddenly felt like he was playing some twisted game, where he had complete control of how things went down. He directed certain movements here and there that eventually led to the best outcome, and Bill won the fight. The Readers watching all of it go down, reading every word on the screen.

This new power is what allowed him to shoot down the Nomu that flew off with Bill, preventing the darker future from becoming reality. Izuku took a glimpse into that timeline for only a moment, and it still scares him, even now. Bill, surrounded by fire, collapsed on their knees with a gun to their head. Bill had destroyed the League of Villains for their betrayal but revealed The Plan in doing so. The heroes did not take their plot for world domination lightly and killed Bill, sending Izuku back into the Void to tend to the many timelines within. Bill never came back.

Izuku decided that that just wouldn't do. So he intervened.

. . .

Izuku floated above the examination table in the manor's basement, staring coldly at the monster that lay strapped down on its cold surface. He couldn't care less for the whimpers of fear it let out. If it didn't want to be punished, then it shouldn't have hurt its True Master. Every Nomu under All For One's control knew who Bill was and what he represented. They all know better than to attack the True King. So why did this one act out? Simple: Shigaraki Tomura. The boy still has some of his Sensei's Nomu at his disposal and he abuses that power relentlessly. But how he used that power against the master is beyond Izuku. Tomura should not be able to turn the Nomus against the will of its master. Or is it about Bill not being the one who brainwashed them?

All For One was the one who gave the corpse all its quirks, so naturally, he would be the one it serves. And because Izuku doesn't have full control of Hisashi's mind yet, that would mean that the connection between Bill and the Nomu is incomplete. In conclusion, Izuku was late. Izuku was holding off on that particular task in favor of other projects, but it appears he'll have to make it a top priority now. A lesson has been learned today: Never Be Late.

Still, the husk needs to be punished for its insolence, and it's about time Izuku started doing a few experiments of his own. After all, he still had to run a few tests on Stain now that they had him. A blood-related quirk that causes paralysis is a fascinating object of study, after all. But the hero-killer would have to wait his turn, and that quirk-canceling room he's locked in would have to suffice as a waiting room (even if it was made for combat training).

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