Sports Festival (2)

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~ ~ ~ Previously ~ ~ ~

Our team was announced the winner and there was a short break to prepare for the next event, which would be one-on-one battles.

 ~ ~ ~ Now ~ ~ ~ 

Small minigames were prepared to entertain the audience while the teachers prepared for the next round. The first round was a word game. We would all draw cards with words on them and find whatever things in the area that matched the word on the card. The winner would be the first person to find all five items. Originally, I wasn't going to play, but the only "things" in the area were people which meant that this was basically a game of associating people with items, nouns, and verbs. It was a game of mockery and I was more than glad to make fun of others.

We all drew our cards and mine was the word "fluffy". I can't exactly present Bunny, which means I need someone else that's fluffy... hm. Shinsou looked pretty fluffy. I walked over with the intention to drag him to the stage only for him to confront me as well. "My word was 'gold', so you're gonna have to come with me," he said. "Well, that's just perfect, you match my word too," I smiled, showing him my card. He didn't seem to mind, and we walked to the stage, turning in our cards. My next word was "bomb"... oh, this is too easy! "Hey, Katsuki! C'mere a sec!" and with a fuming pomeranian in my grasp, I got my next point. "'cute', huh? Hm. This is gonna be a tough one," I thought to myself. "Hey, Cipher, I need you again," Shinsou called. I walked over to him, his card revealing the word "mysterious". "My my, you flatter me, Shinsou~" I teased. "Shut up and help me get my next point." I laughed when Midnight approved both of our cards again. "It appears you're cute now, Shin-chan~" I cackled as he stomped towards a girl with vine hair, grumbling the whole way with a face redder than Kirishima's hair.

I pulled Izumi for the word "snake", and Tokoyami for the word "bird"; claiming first place with my final card submitted. Shinsou managed to score second place after turning his last card only two seconds after me. Mei got third and Neito followed not long after. I didn't care enough to pay anyone else any mind, but it was fun nonetheless. That was until I met Ibara Shiozaki; the girl with vines for hair that Shinsou went to earlier. "Pardon me, demon, but I implore you to comply with this task. I loathe to request the assistance of a devil spawn, but alas, you are the only one worthy of it." And good golly did I want to suffocate her with those thorny whips on her head. "'Devil spawn'? Are you implying that I am a child to that knock-off lawyer because of my quirkGo pray in a corner for forgiveness if you want to be so rude, you priestess wannabe!" I snapped. "And I am not 'evil', I am insane. There's a big difference."

So yeah, I have a sworn enemy now.

. . .

The battles were actually rather entertaining. I used the Shinsou's quirk against him. Shoto wiped the floor with Sero... along with half the stadium. Kaminari didn't stand a chance against Izumi, as she just kind of awkwardly floated him out of the ring. My future business partner used McStick-in-the-ass as a living billboard and then walked out of the ring, leaving a humiliated Ilda in the arena to throw a fit over his shattered pride. Shoka defeated Mina in a rather painful manner (turns out her acid is flammable). Tokoyami went up against Miss Know-it-all and pushed her out of bounds (good birb). Katsumi blew Tetsu (x4) to hell. Katsuki knocked Kirishima unconscious after slowly tiring him out. So, the ones to move on were: me, Shoto, Izumi, Ilda, Shoka, Tokoyami, Katsumi, and Katsuki.

The next round was me vs. Shoto. A fairly quick fight when using Endeavor's quirk to melt his ice shield and burn the shit out of him (his reaction was priceless). Then it was Izumi and Ilda, and the poor guy was annihilated. Tokoyami actually put up a good fight with Shoka, but she was still victorious. The Bakugou twins were the last match, and boy was it a laugh. Katsuki shoots explosions out of his hands, and Katsumi explodes anything her hands touch; she couldn't explode Katsuki, so she exploded the area and used the rubble like grenades. Katsuki dodged her first attack and blasted away the rest. He won when she ran out of ammo and sauntered off the stage without even sparing her a glance. Damn, does nobody give a damn about family anymore?

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