There's Something Happening

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(Feelin good, might write 3k words idk :P

Also, there is a lot of gore and scary scenes in this chapter, so be warned.)


Bill didn't dream.

They ruled the Dreamscape, they controlled the Mindscape, and they lived in the Nightmare Dimension. They tailored worlds solely to trap their victim within their own mind, surrounded by all the things their puny mortal mind could possibly want. They possessed bodies and rewrote memories on a whim, controlling what information went where and setting up an elaborate puzzle that would eventually become a masterpiece. They navigated the inner horrors of the mind to find out all their deepest darkest secrets and use them to chip at the fleshbag's sanity until all that was left was delusional obsession that chained them to Bill. No, Bill did not dream.

So then what the hell was this?

They wanted to check on Bunny after 'The Incident' and found nothing but black. Bill found that rather odd, coming from Izuku. Usually, his Mindscape was a white lab, not a black nothingness. Maybe it had something to do with the Void? Is the lab still here somewhere? They floated around some more, being careful to watch for anything dangerous in the darkness of what appeared to be the subconscious of his mind. Or was it trauma?

Bill needs to find that lab yesterday.

. . .

Chizome came to consciousness slowly.

His eyes opened and then snapped shut again at the brightness. Everything was blurry and his head hurt like hell, but he could feel the cold metal around his arms and legs. He was chained up to something, but he wasn't quite sure what that was just yet. He was in what looked like a prison cell, had it not been for the very much not-prison white walls. A cage then. He squeezed his eyes shut once more as he made an attempt to clear away the brain fog and tried his best to remember how he got here.

The last thing he remembered was a fight. So he was doing his usual routine then, which meant he'd been captured. But a hero would have handed him over to the police, and this wasn't the police. He searched further into his mind, recalling a conversation he'd had prior to his latest hunt. He couldn't recall exactly what was said, just that there was a disagreement between him and what was definitely not a hero. Was this their revenge? No, this wasn't a bar.

He rested his head on the floor once more as he pretended to sleep. His captors seemed the type to prefer their victims awake, so he'd focus on thinking of a way out while he tried to figure out what was going on. So, first, there was the disagreement, then the hunt, then the fight. The fight was the most important factor right now, as that would determine who it was that defeated him. Yellow and green flashed in his mind, with a hint of blue in the background. The blue was yelling at the yellow while the green attacked. The yellow assisted the green and then his vision was black.

Try again, Chizome. The yellow was small and thin, so not All Might, unfortunately. Who else was small and yellow? Chizome couldn't quite piece it together, so he moved on to the blue. The blue was small as well and they wore silver that reminded him of Ingenium, the hero he killed eight years ago. No wait, Ingenium is a family heirloom. So it was the new Ingenium he attacked. Which meant that the other two were allies(?) of the child. Yellow and green, are allies of the new Ingenium, probably children too.

Chizome took a deep breath to clear his mind of the pain, forcing himself to remember. There were several kids in Class 1-A that he'd seen at the sports festival. It was either Kaminari Denki (unlikely), Bakugou Katsuki (not loud enough), Yuuga Aoyama (too much control), or Bill Cipher. So it had to be Cipher then (the phantom pain of deep blue flames licking his arms crawled across his skin). So the Green had to be either Izumi Yagi or Tsuyu Asui. The latter would have taken a water-based internship, meaning she was nowhere close. And despite the very clear hatred between the two, Chizome could see the strong work dynamic between the duo, if that fight was anything to go by. A temporary truce to take down a common enemy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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