Everly grimaced slightly at the knowledge, never was she used to death, no matter how much she had seen before.

"And where do I fit into it?" Elena cut in, frowning deeply, and Everly could see her nervousness as the brunette grabbed onto Stefan's arm, who was soothingly rubbing circles on the back of her hand.

"The final part of the ritual," Elijah said and displayed an antique wooden box to the group, "Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelgänger...to the point of your death," Stefan squeezed Elena's hand and Everly took a glimpse at the older Salvatore, sighing silently at his distraught look. 

"And that's where you come in?" Elena asked after a long pause.

The suited Original opened the box, revealing a small vile of mysterious liquid, "This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation."

"So I'll be dead?"

"And then you won't."

"That's your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date?" Damon scoffed, clearly unconvinced, and frankly, Everly agreed with him as she stared fixedly at the elixir. He looked at Elena, "You want to come back to life, what about John's ring?"

"Those rings only work on humans. The doppelgänger's a supernatural occurrence. Odds are, the ring won't work," Elijah said, creasing his eyebrows slightly when he noticed the deep frown on Everly's face.

"I'll take those odds over your elixir. What if it doesn't work, Elena?"

"Then I guess I'll just be dead," Elena said, almost indifferently, then asked, "Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?"

"Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. If he doesn't already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight, he will."

After the Salvatore brothers had left the room in distress, the two human girls and the Original entered the study.

"What's on your mind?" Elijah asked the blonde girl who curled up onto an armchair.

Everly glanced up and quietly asked, "What about the werewolf and the vampire? Who is going to save them?" Being met with silence, she hesitantly elaborated, "I just thought we should also find a way to keep them alive......like how we're keeping Elena's."

She could see the guilt in Elena's widened eyes and Elijah's apologetic smile, and realization dawn on her, "Please don't tell me that none of you think of them before?"

"I'm sorry, Everly. But there is only one elixir and it only works on human," Elijah answered.

"Oh," Everly looked down in disappointment, her fingers playing on the cushion of the armchair, "So they're just going to be.............dead?"

"Yes," He said bluntly.

"Elena?" She glanced at the brunette, hoping the protected doppelgänger would have some answers, and for some reason, Everly had a gut feeling that even with the slim chance of elixir working, the brunette would come out alive in one way or another.

"I'm sorry, Everly."

Everly felt indignation rose in her chest but she refrained, instead questioned, "Will you say the same thing if it's Caroline and Tyler?"

"What do you mean?" Elena creased her eyebrows at the blonde.

"If Klaus hasn't got his vampire and werewolf yet, aren't they the easiest and most convenient option in this town?" The brunette's eyes widened in horror at Everly's implication and ran out of the room to find the Salvatore brothers.

"You lied to her," Elijah said after the doppelgänger had left.

"I didn't," Everly glanced up at the original with the frown still evident on her face, "It's my worry as well. Or else why would Katherine did everything to trigger Tyler's curse and turn Caroline?" She then quietly explained, "I just don't like people getting hurt and dying without meaning."

She suddenly stood up and announced, "I'm going to go home."

"I implore you stay, Everly. It is not safe," Elijah blocked in her path, furrowing his eyebrows in worry and fearing the girl was leaving out of anger that no one thought about the vampire and werewolf for the ritual. 

Despite his seriousness, Everly let out a small chuckle and said, "You don't have to implore me, Elijah. I was just going to take some clothes and return."

"Oh. Then I shall not keep you here," He moved away as his fingers twitched at the moment of awkwardness.

"But thank you for your concern," She said, smiling up at the Original, "And I'm really happy that you're back." 

Elijah returned with a curl on his lips, then froze when Everly's arm briefly touched his torso as she pulled him into a light hug. It was the first time they had such intimate contact that wasn't for mobilization and he wasn't sure if it was appropriate to return the embrace as from their interaction, Elijah noticed the girl was more reserved and shy, and someone who valued personal space.

Yet before he could react, Everly had pulled away, unaware of the inner turmoils that went through the suited Original's mind. Elijah watched her retreating figure with a complex expression, mixing with shock and slight delight, while his hand unconsciously rubbing over the place her hand touched.

A/N: Short Filler Chapter~

 I was gonna put the next chapter together but I kind of have this weird obsession to put Everly & Klaus first interaction in chapter 20.

[Completed] Everly-Rose [1] | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now