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The next morning, Aurora hid beneath her covers. She felt the sun rise, but she refused to leave her bed. She was terrified to see Azriel after what they had done the night before. After he had kissed her again, she didn't know what to do. She just moved back from him, and Azriel silently stood and bid her a goodnight before leaving. Being in the moment, it was so easy to follow his steps, but afterward, she was lost. Did she kiss him again? Ask him to stay? She had just moved away and let him leave.

Aurora felt the sun warming her blanket and she knew she was late for breakfast and training. She had slept so well from the exhaustion of him touching her, it was like he put some kind of sleeping spell over her. With a groan, she pulled the blankets back. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she tried to focus in the bright light, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. It was true sunlight, no colorful shades of sunrise. She was indeed very late. Aurora pushed back her covers and began to pull her sleeping gown over her head, but a knock sounded at the door. She expected it to be Azriel, but when she pulled the door open, her stomach dropped.

Rhysand stood with crossed arms and a furious glare. Azriel was there, but his eyes were on the floor as he stood behind his High Lord. Aurora stumbled backward, her breath caught in her throat.

"Aurora, would you like to explain why this House reeks of sex when you and Azriel are the only two here?" Rhysand asked, his voice low and stomach-twistingly calm. Her eyes flew to Azriel, but he continued to look at the ground. She mentally begged him to look at her, but he never did.

"I- I'm sorry," Aurora whispered, looking back to the High Lord. He only clenched his jaw and lifted his chin, darkness emanating from his being.

"Pack your wardrobe. You will be staying at the estate for now. Training will partake in the field with Nesta, Cassian, or Feyre. Azriel will remain at the House and Cassian will be moving in for the time being." With that, Rhysand leaned forward and shut the door, leaving her to pack her things. She turned just as a trunk appeared at the foot of her bed. Her hands shook as she began to pull out all of her gowns and dresses.

It felt as if Aurora had angered a father figure, being talked down to and scolded like that. And because she acted on her sexual desire, she was now being moved to an entirely different estate. She couldn't imagine not seeing Azriel. Even after the awkwardness of facing their deeds, she still looked forward to training with him and speaking to him.

Her mind reeled with thoughts as she shoved her clothing into the trunk along with her books. Aurora wondered if Nesta would have books she could borrow or if she'd have to ask Rhysand to retrieve them for her. Aurora cringed at the thought of having him collect smutty books at her request.

When she closed the lid, Aurora grabbed the handle to try and lug it to the entryway, but it disappeared. With a sigh, she reached into the wardrobe for the final outfit, a slim gown of teal. She pulled off her nightgown and replaced it with the dress before leaving the room. She had mistakenly packed all of her shoes rather than leaving a pair for her to wear to the estate. When Aurora entered the sitting room, Rhysand was standing and staring at Azriel, who's eyes were squinted into a glare back at him. She wondered why they were staring and not speaking. Aurora cleared her throat in an effort to announce her presence. Azriel glanced at her for a split second before turning his gaze to the floor, and Rhysand grabbed the handle of the trunk that was now beside his feet.

"Let's go," he snapped. Aurora nodded and hesitantly walked up to him, feeling his hand gently take her wrist before they were whisked into wind and darkness. It had only lasted a moment before her feet stood in the corridor just to the left of the entrance to the Estate. Rhysand dropped her arm and the trunk disappeared. She guessed it had gone to her new room.

The Whispers of Shadows - AzrielWhere stories live. Discover now