Chapter +11+

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What's that? It's my inconsistent update schedule?

Oh, hi.

Also, who here has read Stellarlune?

I have! It was so good!

(Especially chapter 42) *wink, wink*

Sophie's pov.

Sophie was a hundred percent certain her face was on fire.

Her cheeks burned just thinking about what had happened the night before. Her heart beat faster, her palms started to sweat, her head started to spin. And at the same time she started feeling excited and jumpy, like she a silly human girl after her crush made eye contact with her.

It was very confusing.

Why had she fallen asleep next to Keefe? Why did she not regret it? And on top of that, Biana, Marella, and Lihn had gotten pictures. Pictures! If those ever got out and Fitz saw them . . .

Thankfully, the girls had agreed not to show Fitz ---or anyone else--- the photos. So . . . maybe it would be fine.

Sophie sat on a bar stool at the counter, watching Biana and Marella make breakfast. Lihn sat next to her, with Fitz next to her. Tam and Dex stood off to the side, talking quietly, and Wylie yelled directions to Marella and Biana from a cookbook.

"No, you have to add the flour after the milk!"

"What the heck does it matter?"

"It's proper order!"

It would have been incredibly funny if it weren't for the fact that Keefe was standing near the window, and light was splashing in and framing his face. And when he smiled at the ridiculousness, Sophie's heart stalled to a sudden stop, and she was incapable of laughing because she wasn't able to do anything at all in that perfect moment.

"You've got it hard," Lihn whispered in her ear. Sophie jumped, heart coming back to life as she tore her gaze away from Keefe's face.

"What?" She hissed back, face hot yet again.

Lihn smirked at her, raising her eyebrows. Her grey-blue eyes sparkled mischievously as she said, "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

The worst part was, Sophie did know. And it absolutely terrified her.

She had just broken up with Fitz. Was it normal to move on so fast? To want someone else so quickly?

She risked a glance up, and . . .


Keefe had started to help cook. A bit of flour smeared his cheek, and he was caught mid laugh as Marella threw a handful of the white powder at Biana, who dodged, then tossed some at him. It framed him, and when the dust settled, his eyes were sparkling and his face was made of joy and Sophie couldn't breathe--

What was this? Why did her heart hurt, ache for something she shouldn't even want?

"Guys! We need the flour, stop wasting it!" Wylie, from his spot across the room, yelled. He was trying to force a smile off his face.

"Psh, you're just jealous that you're not good at flour wars," Keefe shot back, smirking, fistfuls of the powder in both hands.

"Or we don't want to get filthy," Fitz suggested, gesturing to Keefe's clothes, which looked like they had been caught in a snow storm.

Marella and Biana looked similar, and flour littered the floor and walls. A stray handful had hit Lihn in the head, and her black hair had little specks of white dancing through it.

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