Chapter 1

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Hello everyone!

⚠️Warning, this chapter is currently under construction. The reader may experience typos, bad grammer, misspelled places or names, incomplete sentences, and more. We ask that you please forgive and forget, as the author is working very hard to make an enjoyable story for all. Thank you. ⚠️

(The above message will appear in any chapters that are undergoing editing!)

I first wrote this when I was like, twelve, and reading it again, I realize how terrible it is, so I'm editing the first few chapters to try and ease the pain

A small guide: All authors notes will be bolded, like this one, and tw's (take warnings) will be featured at the beginning of each chapter. If i miss any triggers or forget any heavy stuff, feel free to let me know and I'll go back and fix it!

This book does have Sokeefe, Tiana, and a few other ships in it, though those are the main ones. Of course, all readers are welcome, but those will be included, sorry!

And without farther ado, the story!

Sophie's Pov.

Everglen's fence sparkled and shimmered in the sunlight, temporarily blinding Sophie. She held up her hand to block the nearly blinding rays, squinting as she walked up the path towards the glittering fence, backpack strung over her shoulder.

"You're here!" Biana exclaimed, and Sophie jumped.

She laughed when she saw Biana's panicked expression. The Vacker was standing by the front of her house, waving from the fence, though her hand had fallen still.

"You scared me," Sophie explained.

Biana sagged in relief. "Oh, okay. Sorry. I just . . ."

She didn't finish, but Sophie knew what she was going to say.

The Neverseen's defeat had been intense. Somedays, all Sophie could see was the blood, and Edaline would hold her adoptive daughter tight as Sophie sobbed.

The Neverseen were gone.

But memories still stayed.

Biana offered a sad smile, and Sophie accepted, trying not to eye her friend's scars.

"Come on in," she said, waving her hand, signaling Sophie to follow.

She did, but naturally, tripped on the way in.

Biana smirked, the memories of the Neverseen battle forgotten. "Nice going, clumsy pants. Everyone's in the kitchen."

Sophie nodded, blushing a little, embarrassed. "Okay."

She followed Biana into the house, walking behind her. Everglen's beauty never failed to amaze Sophie. Sure, every elven house was stunning, bursting with beauty, but there was an aura to the Vacker's home that left Sophie reeling, in love with the architecture.

Which was part of the reason Sophie had agreed to this sleepover. No way was she passing up a chance to explore Everglen, even if it meant spending the night with Keefe, Fitz, Tam, and Dex, who were worse than the triplets when the got going.

Finally, the duo walked into the gleaming kitchen. Their group was leaning on the counters, talking, smiling, laughing. Keefe was smirking at Marella, who was blushing, and Fitz was chuckling. Dex's face was bright red, and Sophie could only assume Keefe had made a joke about him and Marella.

Sophie was the last to arrive.


"Hey, Foster!" Keefe said, the first to notice her.

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