Eagle Eye

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Apollo didn't know what to do tonight.

"Marth should be in Columbia if what Skyfire told me is true. " Said.

Apollo decided that heading to the training room would be his best bet, since Closure was gone he couldn't go to the gremlin of a vampire and annoy her or see her struggle to take or hide any of his stuff.

Once Apollo made his way to his favorite training room he was greeted by two familiar faces.

"Hellagur, Akafuyu. Glad to see you two." Apollo said as he pulled out three suckers and passed one to both of them.

"Good evening Apollo, what brings you here?" Hellagur asked.

"Just bored, I know I should be in my room studying something Nian gave me but I don't want to use brain power right now."

"Shouldn't a teacher be a role model for their students, what if they heard you say that?" Akafuyu said as she enjoyed the treat Apollo gave her.

"They would be but they aren't here so it doesn't matter. Beyond that, what were you two doing?" Apollo replied as he enjoyed the sucker.

"I asked Hellagur if he could train with me tonight, we were just about to get started." Akafuyu answered.

"Basically you are still upset about what happened in Minos and want to beat the old man, right?" Apollo asked.

The dead silence afterward and an expression mixed with embarrassment and annoyance was the answer Apollo needed.

"Well I won't be in your hair for much longer, I'll just watch from the sidelines." Apollo said as he moved away and sat himself down leaning on a nearby wall.

While Apollo didn't spend a lot of time with these due even back at Minos he did understand that from what little he saw and whispers from others that both were incredible swordsmen. The two swordsmen pulled out their wooden swords which were a good replication of their normal weapons.

Moments passed as Apollo noticed various changes. The air stilled, time seemed to slow, and the intensity between the two warriors was present for all to see. Akafuyu had her katana slightly in front of her, hilt close to her face with her shoulders wide and apart. Hellagur had his nodachi closer to the floor, his hilt almost parallel to his hips.

As Apollo observed the two, he was able to be on the same basic wavelength as them. As if an imaginary clock went off both swordsmen dash toward each other. Akafuyu tried getting close but Hellagur responded with a slash aiming for her chest, due to the length difference between the swords Hellagur managed to outrange Akafuyu.

As Akafuyu continued to strike Hellagur smoothly countered each attack, while the experience difference between the two is clear it was still not a walk in the park for the old general. Apollo was impressed how someone of such old age is able to be so nimble and powerful, even more, so that to Apollo's knowledge Hellagur is in every way normal. No divine blood, no supernatural powers; all Apollo could see in him was skill and experience.

The two continued to clash while Apollo observed everything, each step, each swing, their eyes, their arms, everything about them Apollo noticed and followed. As the spar went on Apollo had an idea of what Hellagur was doing, each strike Akafuyu sustained was a counterattack from Hellagur, never did he go on the attack. The intention became clear to Apollo.

"I say that's enough for tonight." Hellagur said as he countered attack another one of Akafuyu's strikes by hitting her knee causing her to kneel.

"Wait! Can we have one more go at it?" Akafuyu asked as she got up.

"As much as I would love to, one's sleep is nearly equally as important as their skill." Hellagur said.

The swordswoman couldn't disagree with the statement and accept it. "Then I'll call it a night here. Thank you for spending your night here." Akafuyu said as she bowed her head.

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