The Musical Lesson

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It was early morning and I didn't feel like sleeping. I went to my favourite place in the palace of Indraprastha.
It was my music room where my Veena was kept. Even though I am a warrior,I loved playing Veena to calm my raging thoughts.

I started playing Veena without realising that it might break someone's beautiful slumber.

"Who is there!? Playing Veena so softly like a wind" Subhadra woke up listening to music.

Searching for me,she entered in the music room.

"Kakashree Arjun is playing Veena..kaki maa" said Prativindaya playfully.

"Ohkay Prati..thank you" replied Subhdra patting his cheeks.

I was so lost in my playing Veena that I didn't realise that Subhadrey is around. When I stopped, I found her listening to me closing her eyes.

"Parth will you please teach me Veena!?" requested Subhadrey like a small child.

"Only if you teach me dance" I replied gracefully.

She nodded in yes and I taught her Veena. She being fast learner,learnt very fast.
I paused  and took her face in my palms.

"Believe it or not You are the love of my life. Not even one moment is there in my life since you entered that I  did not feel your presence in myself. Yes I married. They are my wives.But you are my conscience. My love . My life. You express your love. I won't. You know why . That fateful Evening is the tragic moment of my life" I said  smiling widely.

I approached her and looking into her lotus eyes started my trial to take out the key chain. Subhi felt my touch and my desire the warmth flow like electric current into her body.
"Parth leave me I have to go. I am certain that you are intentionally delaying to have my way with her. Bua will call me let me go she repeated".

"How do you go? Don't want to close the lockers? " I teased her.

I knew she is also feeling the heat with my touch. I knew it is not good for both of us to stay together further. I may lose myself . I  took out the key chain and placed it in her hand much to her relief. I drew her close kissed her deeply and whispered "Come back soon, student".

She smiled and nodded.

I held her hands and said "Your words are not in sync with your beautiful eyes,lips etc as they are asking me why I am not doing justice to them,making delay in everything".

Subhi  muttered to herself "Too smart and imposing. Won't even offer scope for others to win in battle and in love".

I laughed heartily,"Finally my dear wife realised my policy. Good for us both. Shall I tell you something? Enjoy the moment as it comes.Today we are together. Tomorrow we may drift apart". Unintentionally I said those words as my forth coming battle call is there on the back of my mind.

Subhi's lotus eyes questioned me,the corners of those lotuses already turning wet,the tears restricted by effort.

Arjun stayed with Subhadra who is too happy that her parents are coming by early morning. She hugged Arjun and said. It will be fun to watch the marriage. I liked Kalindi. She praised you so much.

I shared her happiness and made her feel special. After midnight Subhadra slept with contented face,I got up and reached Draupadi's mansion. Malini who opened the door told him that princess is suffering with severe headache and just then slept. She gave way to me and closed the door. I slipped beside her whose face is showing signs of pain even in sleep. I started massaging her forehead smoothly. I Knew how much hard work she is putting up to handle the finances of Indraprasth.She hardly rests on her own.I knew she does all the work mainly to keep her self busy from my thoughts.

Destiny hardly let us stay together. Just when she finally feels the bliss in my arms for I may have to go again for war. I posessively hugged her and kept her head on my heart. Panchali opened her eyes and stared at me. She curled herself into me and clasped my neck like a small child. The two loving souls communicated through silence ,there are no words spoken.

My husky voice made Subhi submit her  soul and heart to me. She turned her face and smiled at my aggressiveness. I turned her to myself and drooled over her Devine beauty.

"Subhi why do you not understand my passion? You  punish me with your inhibitions. Is it proper for you to hide your love?".

My voice mesmerised Krishnaanuja who forgot herself and enthralled herself with her beloved husband's uncontrolled love and passion.

I woke up with terrible headache and dizziness. Subhi didn't allowed me to get up. She smoothly massaged my forehead and I tried to sleep.
Afterall it was days after I got sleep.

During the day,it turned into high fever and cold. I was lying in bed thinking about Panchali and Subhadra. In childhood,Mata never left me for a second if I had fever.
Now she was in Hastinapur as Dushala was expecting a child next month.

Few days later,I was fine and we went to Dwarka. It was Dau's wish that Subhi to grace the wedding of Kalindi and Madhav. We reached safely and enjoyed the wedding. Vatsala and Sambh were playing with me.

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora