First Meeting

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"Phalgun come here..Mata is calling everyone.. Phalgun" shouted Bhrata Bheem while munching his favourite ladoos.

"Just one more shot, Bhrata"requested I knowing he will pull my ears if I don't listen to him.

"Parth..putra come here" requested Mata Kunti to her favourite son.

"Yes Mata.. Coming"replied back I as I can't deny her.

"See children,we are going to Mathura for the first time. Phalgun and Nakul don't be naughty okay!??" said Mata Kunti recalling her life as it changed.

"But why Mata!?.You said we will be going to Hastinapur" asked a quirky Sahdev.

"It's my brother's place and he has two sons Balram and Krishna. He has a beautiful daughter too Subhadra" said Kunti carcassing Sahdev's cheeks.

"Subhdra.." I repeated the name after Mata. I don't know why but I felt connection with this name instantly.

Few days later,we reached Mathura.

I was just sitting under the tree for some rest. My other bothers were sleeping with Mata. Suddenly someone started throwing fruits from the tree.

"Hey you please stop.. it is hurting me" shouted I.

"I didn't threw fruits to welcome you Rajkumar Arjun" replied a girly voice.

"Then who are you!?..Why you are doing this?" asked I.

The girl jumped from tree branch and said  "Subhadra..I am Mathura's Princess. Dau..I mean Bhratashree Balram and Krishna are my brothers. I am sorry if it hurts you".

"So you are Subhadra..Mamashree's daughter" replied I in amazement.

"And you are Bua Kunti's son Parth or shall I say Rajkumar Arjun!" said Subhadra smiling widely.

"Yes I am.. thanks for this fruital welcome to Mathura" I teased.

"Oh I am sorry for this.. please don't complain to my family" requested she.

"Okay I won't but if we are here for long everyone would be worried" said I while going towards the palace.

"Thanks, Friends!?" asked she in hesitation.

"Why not!?" replied I with wide smile on my face.

She was dressed in a gorgeous fuchsia colored lehenga choli with a matching gold beaded vest like top. Her mid-length hair was simple in its straightened form but pulled to the side. She was just beautiful.

"Bhrata Arjun where are you?" a voice from behind shook my attention.

"Nowhere,Kul.. Subhadra brought me here and I am sorry for being late" replied I.

"Bhrata..This Subhadra  is very mischievous,she stole my book" implored Sahdev.

"I will get your book Dev don't worry" said I when my own heart was lost.

Her smile stole my heart and when I met her again,I forgot to ask about Sahdev's book.

Within a few days,we became good friends. I didn't trusted anyone after I lost Pitashree and she became my solace.

I had a habit of throwing stones in water and one day she caught me.

"Why you are doing this Parth?" Subhadra asked finding it unusual.

"I see how far I can throw stones"replied I with no intention of stopping by.

"Then aim for perfection are best Archer too. Bhratashree says one day you will be best Archer in whole Aryavart" said Subhadra.

"How can you be so sure Subhadra!?" asked I in confusion.

"Promise me Parth you will stop wasting your time and become Aryavart's best Archer in time to come" she said forwarding her hands in promise.

"I promise,I will" replied I putting my hand on hers with a decision to make everyone proud.

And With this we parted our the hope of meeting her again.

To be Continued..

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें