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"Jiji. Look at these. Aren't they beautiful?"

"Very beautiful darling. Go on, go and join your friends." Subhadra said still not taking in what Mahasweta was speaking about. Mahasweta did not notice the strange behaviour and went on to show her conch bangles to her other friends.

"Subhadrae, where are you lost? You didn't even see the bangles!"

"Oh bangles! I did see them. I am here Uma. Where must I be lost? I was just thinking about Dau's surprise." Subhadra invented finally when she broke from the trance.

"You don't seem well. Would you like to retire to your room?"

"I am perfectly all right Uma. You worry too much about me." Subhadra feigned to be annoyed.

"Well, if you say so."

As Uma and Subhadra walked silently down the noisy alley the man immediately returned to Subhadra's thoughts. She began to look for him but he was nowhere to be seen. Then Uma pointed at Krishna who was coming towards them. "There is Ranchor Dau. See."

Subhadra's hopes were raised. A smile lit up on her face but it was immediately gone as she saw govind walk up alone.

"Ah Subhadrae! So nice to see you. I see that my presence has upset my sister. Do you wish to meet someone else?"

"What bhaiya. You talk nonsense. Come Uma. Let us return to the mansion. I am tired." Subhadra started dragging Uma toward their mansion, half trying to hide the blush that had formed on her face at her brother's word.

"Have a nice sleep my dear. But I am afraid those who suffer from the first pangs of love have a restless life."

When the girls reached the palace gates Uma said" Stop dear. Let me take some breath."

Uma rested back on the gate and asked," Rochana why did you not ask him about Balram Dau's surprise? What happened to you there? And what was he saying about first pangs of love and everything?"

"You know he is no word of his is understandable Uma. Why do you ask?"

"You are right. He is beyond my comprehension."

"Maybe that friend of his can understand the meaning behind his words." Subhadra replied slyly.

"Which friend do you mean?"

"The Tapasvi one who has come recently to Dwarka. Do you know who he is Dasi?"Subhadra addressed the maid attending her.

"The Tapasvi' mam. Do you mean Rajkumar Arjun,  the son of the Late King Pandu and Devi Kunti, younger brother of King Yudhistira of Indraprasth."

"Rajkumar Arjun" Subhadra tasted the words in her mouth.

I hope by now she has recognised me.

Savyasachi's Subhadra: A Queen Of Warrior's Heart✅#FansLoveToWriteWhere stories live. Discover now