Moving to Indraprastha

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The marriage of Subhadra and Arjun reminded a celestial marriage. The Yadava princess is fortunate to have the great warrior Arjun as her husband. Balaram offered any valuable offerings to Arjun and blessed his dear sister wholeheartedly.

"I know Krishna planned everything to fall in place. After all he is his dearest cousin. But I would have felt happy if you shared your wish with me also". He told Subhadra who touched his feet.

Vasudev is extremely happy to see his sister's son as his son in law .The bond between Yadavas and Pandavas got cemented .

Satya teased me"Now prepare yourself to take Subhadra to Indraprasth. You can not leave her conveniently behind".

I responded promptly "Who told you I will leave her? If you send her now itself,I am ready to take her".

Bhratashree Balaram asked me to stay till the end of rainy season and then leave for Indraprasth. Krishna supported that. My  pilgrimage period came to an end.

My year with Draupadi is commencing now. I wished to reach Indraprasth as early as possible. But I can not cross the word of Balram especially after he exhibited such magnanimity by accepting my union with Subhadra.

My beloved will be waiting for me so I should present himself before her as early as possible.

Subhadra's innocent love touched my heart and I responded by fulfilling her dreams to the best of my ability.

Subhadra is always on the move and gets hurt easily. She asked me to describe each of my wives and his love for them." Tell me Parth how does Ulupi look?

I smiled. "Nagakanya has mystic charm. Her love is unconditional".

" Tell me about Chitra" Subhadra persisted.

I was thrilled thinking about the Manipur princess. "She is full of energy and confidence. Her love is really challenging for me".

"Now what about my love!??" Subhadra pouted.

I patted on her cheek.

" You are naughty just like my Madhav,uninhibited.natural.."

Subhadra placed her hand on his lips.

"Enough Parth,you are trying to flatter me. But the real test is ahead Tell about your queen" Subhadra shot the question without any hesitation.

She feels so free in my presence.

I also wonder. May be she is my uncle's daughter That is why... Subhadra brought me out of my thoughts.

"Why are you silent,I would like to hear about your fire born .Satya Bhabi praised her so much. Bhrata says she is his only Sakhi around. And every one who attended the swayamvar praised her beauty to sky level. I heard that you both compliment each other in every way. I felt jealous"Subhadra admitted frankly.

I was silent. "How can I describe her? Words are not enough. I can't say Subhadra ,her beauty can not be restricted to words. Her lotus eyes are like mirrors to her heart. Her hair, her whole form she is like the goddess of beauty incarnated. She is beauty with brains.not dumb full of life,vibrant". ..

"And she is created for your sake".Subhadra completed with a smile.

"Unfortunately for her," I snapped...

Priyamvada's nephew brought a  Patr to Kunti from Gandhari.Priyamvada brought him to Kunti  when she is alone. "Gandhari mata asked me to deliver this confidential letter which should only be read by you".

He gave the letter and went off. Kunti asked Priyamvadha to close the door and read the letter. The essence of the letter is-- Since Arjun is unable to spend his prescribed years with Draupadi he should be given three years time to spend with his wife. Gandhari admonished Kunti ,..Enough of heart pain for both of them. "My dearest Arjun should happily enjoy conjugal life not for a mere one year, he had lost his years of bliss. So adding the present year he should enjoy three years with Krishnaa. I hope you display kindness of heart at least this time. They deserve to be happy after severe trials."..

Kunti is frustrated,How can we disturb the cycle? Not possible. Priyamvadha is sarcastic.

"Yes you can't do any thing. Think over,By the time Arjun returns half of his year will be gone. Then new bride festivities celebrations,what is left for Draupadi ?" Kunti thought.

She knew how disturbed Draupadi is on hearing the news of Arjun and Subhadra .It takes time for her to reconcile and forgive Arjun...Kunti opened the topic before Yudhishthir. She said decisively. I feel it is my responsibility to see all my sons happy. As Phalgun lost his years with Bahu he deserves to be given his due. But Bheem will protest. His year will stretch forward you know? Yudhi said. Kunti is defiant.

He had his years with Panchali. He should not feel so. Any way you all have your other wives to take care of you. So Arjun will get three years with Krishnaa,she firmly stated. Priyamvadha the lone listener felt grateful to Gandhari.

She should inform this to princess. She thought with a satisfied smile

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