♥︎ | Kyle Broflovski

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(this is gonna suck. I'm sorry)




I walked into my room and threw my bag down on the floor, I turned around and stumbled to the bathroom, I glanced at my reflection and my breathing hitched.


I limped around my room, in search of something to cover my eyes. I found a pair of sunglasses, I picked them up and put them on. "Kyle, dinner's ready!" I heard my mother shout as I adjusted the glasses.


I crept down the stairs, preparing myself for what was to come. "what's with the glasses?" I heard my father ask as I took my seat at the dinning table. "oh, nothing." I said, trying to hide the shaking in my voice.

"well, you can take them off at the table." my mother said, I gulped. "...I'm fine, thanks." I said, trying to remain calm. "kyle, there's no reason to wear sunglasses, there's no sun." my father said, causing my breathing to hitch.

I slowly took them off, revealing my two bruised eyes, I heard my mother gasp. "what happened?" she asked frantically. I sighed. "I fought for a girl..." I admitted, I heard her scoff. "did you win?" I heard my father ask, earning himself a glare from my mother. I shook my head.


for what felt like hours, my parents bombarded me with questions, and my mother kept pestering me about the girl.

all of a sudden, my mother's phone started ringing, so she reluctantly stood from her seat and excused herself from the table to take the call.

it was now just me and my father at the table, I heard him clear his throat. "do you like this girl?" he asked. I just stared at the bruises on my arms, my muscles tensed up and I sighed. "dad, it doesn't matter... she doesn't want me." I said, trying not to cry. "how about you get to know her?" he suggested, I groaned. "I can't, I've ruined everything!" I shouted.

"how?" he questioned. I furrowed my brows. "I beat up another guy in front of her." I said, tears started spilling from my eyes. "why?" he questioned. I dug my nails into the fabric of my pants. "...I got jealous." I admitted. I heard him hum. "what was he doing to make you jealous?" he questioned. I looked up at him. "he was bragging about how he dated her in elementary..." I trailed off, realizing just how stupid my reasoning was. I sighed. "okay, did she even say anything to you?" he asked. I shook my head. he stood up. "talk to her." he said, I shook my head. "I blew my chances." I said in a shaky voice. "no, you haven't." he said, I groaned. "yes, I have!" I whined. "you don't know that, Kyle, you will never know unless you make a move." he explained. I took a moment to think about it, but then I lost confidence. "I can't-" "yes, you can, Kyle. stop being dramatic." he said as he ruffled my hair, I furrowed my brows.

__ (time skip to morning)

I groaned as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I then hissed in pain, remembering that my eyes are fucked. I groaned once more.

I climbed out of bed and limped to the door, I leaned against it for a second. my foot was killing me, I furrowed my brows and continued hobbling to the staircase, I held onto the railing as I hopped from step to step.

__(after breakfast and a shower)

I dried my hair with a towel and then covered my hair with my ushanka. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. I brushed my teeth, and as I did so, I thought about how I would approach y/n. I bent over and spat out the toothpaste.

I reached up and opened the cabinet, I trailed my index finger along all my different colognes, I grabbed my favorite one and put an equal amount on both sides of my neck, then I put it away and then grabbed the makeup that I stole from my mother.

I mixed up some light shades to match my pale skin tone and then I covered up my bruised eyes. once I finished, I snuck it back into my mother's room.


I limped my way around my room, and grabbed the sunglasses, just incase. I slid them on and then grabbed my bag.

__(at school)

I hobbled through the crowded halls and eventually made it to my locker, I opened it and started packing my stuff away. "hey, dude." I heard stans voice. "hey." I said, I closed my locker door and looked up at him, he gave me a confused expression. "why the sunglasses?" he questioned. I shrugged. "well, you're gonna have to take them off in class." he snickered, and I sighed.

__(time skip)

I was walking out of history class, and I was headed to my locker, but someone grabbed my arm. "wait a moment." I heard their voice, I looked over my shoulder at them. no fucking way.

"...I just wanted to talk." she cooed, her beautiful e/c eyes gazed into mine. "y/n... I'm sorry." I said without thinking. she raised a brow. "why are you sorry?" she questioned, my eyes darted from side to side. "I behaved like a total animal just because I have feelings for- I like- I was jealous-" I couldn't choke out my confession. she stared at me with a confused expression. I felt like such an idiot. "kyle?" she let go of my arm and cupped my cheek, her thumb brushed across some of the concealer, she pulled her hand away and looked down at her thumb. I felt my stomach twist and turn.

"...I should be the one apologizing." she said, her eyes met with mine, I could see that she was holding back tears. "...you shouldn't have let him get to you." she said. "I-I'm fine... I promise." I murmured, trying to reassure her, she furrowed her brows as she looked down at her feet. we stood in silence for a moment.

"...I have had this feeling for you for a while..." she suddenly said, turning her head away from me. my cheeks tickled with warmth. "...can I ask you something?" she asked, I hummed in response. she glanced over at me. "..was that fight for me?" she asked. "yeah, it was..." I said, breathlessly, I watched as a smile stretched across her pretty face.

she stepped closer to me, everything became so colorful when I felt her soft lips press against my cheek, I lost my breath. "there's no reason to fight for me..." I heard her coo, right by my ear. "you already have my heart." her eyes gazed into mine. I couldn't fight the smile growing on my face. "that's cheesy." I snickered, she blushed as she giggled.

I then learned in, catching her off guard. "was I hot?" I asked in a husky voice, because I just gotta know. I watched as her cheeks reddened. "I'm not answering-" "I was hot, wasn't I?" I held her small hands in mine, I watched her eyes dart from left to right, then she nodded.

then to make everything worth it, I closed the gap between our lips, I guided her hands to my shoulders and then wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer as we deepened the kiss.

__ end ~♡

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