♥︎ | Stan x reader x Kyle

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(i have to, it's the law. and not even god can stop me.)



I stood at the bus stop, stan was to my right and kyle was to my left. "so, y/n, didn't you need help with your homework?" kyle suddenly asked, I looked at him, confused. I shook my head. I heard stan snickering, I looked across, he went silent. I looked back at the road. "shut up, stan." I heard kyle mutter.


when I got on the bus, kyle and stan were pushing and shoving each other, just to get on the seat that was next to me it seemed, stan pushed kyle away and quickly sat down beside me, I looked at him, confused. he smiled at me, I looked across and saw kyle taking his seat, reluctantly, next to cartman.

"what's happening with you and kyle?" I asked stan, looking back at him. he scooted closer to me. "what do you mean?" he asked. I deadpanned. "really?" I scoffed. he chuckled. "I don't know what you're talking about." he said, pretending to yawn, he stretched his arms above his head and brought the one down around my shoulder, I noticed kyle's peircing green eyes, peering at us, his eyes narrowed into a glare.


this went on for the whole day at school. "y/n, come to my house after school-" "no, she's coming to mine-" "no, she fucking isn't-" "yes, she fucking is!" they kept bickering at lunch. I sighed.


in class, they still kept going. "psst, y/n, do you need an extra pencil?" kyle asked, I looked up, I smiled at him. "no, thanks." I looked back down. "hey, y/n, can you help me with this problem?" I heard stans voice from behind me, I looked over my shoulder at him. "sure, what's the problem?" I asked, earning a smirk from him. "the problem is, we're not alone~" he attempted to flirt. I smiled. "alright, bye." I said, turning around. I heard him snicker.

after about an hour later, I felt my hair getting messed with, I sighed, it was stan. "y/n, your hair is so pretty~" he whispered in awe. I ignored him. I glanced over and noticed kyle glaring at him. "kyle wishes he was me right now~" I heard stan whisper, I raised a brow and shook my head. 'what's up with these boys?' I wondered.


finally school ended, I was walking along the sidewalk. "y/n!" I heard kyle shout, I turned around, he was running towards me, stan was running with him. I smiled at both of them, just then, stan shoved kyle, then kyle shoved back. "fuck off, dude!" kyle hissed, then he ran towards me and grabbed my hand, he tried to pull me along with him but I waited for stan. "come on, let's go." kyle said eagerly, tugging my arm. I looked at him. "im waiting for stan." I said, pulling my hand away. he glared at me. "why? do you like him?" he asked, I scoffed and then nodded. "yes, we're friends, dude?!" I said with a laugh. he rolled his eyes and turned around, crossing his arms.

stan finally got to us and we started making our way down the street.

along the way, kyle kept trying to grab my hand, and stan kept trying to intertwine his arm with mine. then he must've noticed kyle trying to make a move, so he impulsively wrapped his arm around mine and pulled me closer, kyle then grabbed my hand and yanked me towards him.

thank God I had arrived at my house already, I cleared my throat, catching their attention. "im home." I said, they both let go of me. "o-okay, I hope you sleep well." "thanks, kyle." I said with a smile, I pulled out my keys as I walked to the door. "can I call you later?" stan asked, I stuck the key in the key hole. "hm? yeah sure." I responded. "no, im gonna call her!" kyle growled. "I asked her first." stan bragged. kyle snarled, I rolled my eyes. I've reached my limit. "you know what." I uttered, turning around and walking towards them.

I stood in front of stan, I grabbed his shoulders, getting on my tippy toes, I kissed his cheek. I heard kyle let out a shaky breath, I pulled away from stan and stepped over to kyle, I grabbed his shoulders and kissed his cheek, he tensed up. I pulled away. "im going to bed." I said as I walked back to my door, I swung it open and slammed it once I got inside.

everything stayed silent, until I heard their muffled bickering. "she kissed me first-" "it doesn't matter, she just did that to shut you up!" "same with you-" "n-no!" "you're stupid." "fuck you, she actually likes me!" "kyle, it's not nice to assume-" "grrr, im not assuming-" "yes you are. has she said she likes you?" "no, but-" "you're assuming." "NO, IM NOT!" kyle shouted, then I heard stan laughing, their voices were getting further and eventually everything was silent. I smiled to myself.

fin -- ♡

(thanks for reading. *runs away*)

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