♥︎ | Kyle Broflovski (AGAIN)

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(I got a story idea so I just have to)



it was quiet in the classroom, now and again the silence was broken with a "ahem." or a cough, a pencil dropping or a sneeze, and that was pretty much it. if you listen closely, you can even hear some students muttering their calculations to themselves.

I was focused, really focused. until my pencil slipped from my grip and hit the ground, I looked down at it, it was rolling straight towards... 'oh no.' kyle broflovski. 'please don't look down.' I thought, I watched as his head turned, he looked straight down at it, he reached down and picked it up. I gulped, he looked around the classroom, then his eyes landed on me.

he stretched across and held it out for me, I lifted my trembling hand and took it. "t-thanks." I whispered, he flashed me a friendly smile and then returned to doing his work. I stared at my pencil, my cheeks were pretty much on fire.


after class, I walked out into the hallway. I went to my locker and put in my combination, it opened and I put my books away. I sighed, closing my locker, turning and leaning my back against it.

I looked across the hallway and noticed kyle, he was busy at his locker. I don't know why, but recently I have been crushing over him. maybe because he's kind, or good looking or smart. yknow, intelligence is very sexy. ugh, but I don't have a chance with him, we don't even know each other.

he closed his locker and walked away, I wanted to fall to my knees. I really wanted his attention, but I honestly don't know why.


at lunch, I walked over to an empty table, placing my lunch tray down, I sat down and sighed, my eyes started wandering around the lunch room, and I began to stare at a certain redhead, but then I watched as his emerald green eyes glanced over at me, my heart fluttered. 'did he just notice me?' I thought.

I shook my head. 'stop being weird.' I scolded myself, then I started eating my food. "shut up, cartman!" I heard kyle shout, it wasn't anything new, this always happens in the lunch room. I looked up, I wasn't expecting to see all the four boys staring at me, kyle looked angry and flustered, stan looked confused, cartman was laughing and kenny looked amused.

I blushed. 'why are they staring?' I panicked. kyle groaned and looked away from me, stan looked at him. they all looked away, then they went back to talking. 'that was strange.' I thought.


after lunch, I went to my locker to get my books for my next class. "ahem." I heard someone clear their throat from behind me, trying to get my attention I assume. so I looked at them, it was KYLE?! "hey, I was wondering if... you wanted to hangout sometime?" he asked. I was taken aback. "m-me?" I asked, he nodded. "s-sure!" slipped my lips, I couldn't control my words. "oh, im kyle by the way." he put out his hand for me to shake, I looked down at it. I slowly lifted my hand and shook his hand. "im y/n." I smiled. he smiled.

__ (time skip because im laaaaazy)

over some time, me and kyle got closer with each other. and eventually, he started showing signs of his feelings. he would stutter, he would laugh at pretty much all my crappy jokes, he would help me with incredibly pointless things, he would hug me a lot and what really gave it away was "y/n, let's have a study date... A-AS FRIENDS!" followed by a nervous laugh. I just brush it off though because maybe I'm wrong.

fin -- ♡

(I lost motivation, sorrrryyy ahhhhghghg)

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