Chapter Eight

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I don't own MTV's Teen Wolf or any of its characters, only my OCs.

Jay and I sit on the floor of the bathroom, the door locked with a 'cleaning in progress' sign hanging on the door.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment and open them again.

"Are they still glowing?" I ask Jay. He looks at my eyes for a brief moment.

"Yup. This isn't working, maybe we should text your brother?" Jay suggests. I shake my head in disagreement.

"He's worried enough as it is." My whole 'episode' last night was probably enough to make him go into 'overprotective brother mode' all over again.

I close my eyes before taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it; focusing on calming my heart rate. 

I slowly open my eyes and look at Jay who grins.

"They're back to their normal hazel colour," he announces. I grin and stand up from the bathroom floor along with Jay.

"So what happened? What does that coloured eyes mean?" Jay questions. I shrug my shoulders as I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

"I have no idea."

Jay and I decide to skip Math and head for the library to use their computers.

"Okay, so I Googled supernatural creatures with fire and it says here that, 'supernatural creatures with fire abilities include Dragons, Phoenix, fire giants and Dijn," Jayden reads off of the computer screen.

"Huh, there's a whole article on different supernatural and mythical creatures with fire abilities," I point out. Jay clicks on the article.

"It's twenty-two pages, should we print it off?" Jay questions. I nod and Jay clicks the print button while I go over to the printers.

"Hey," a Japanese girl with a happy smile greets me as she stands by the printer, busy printing out what appears to be a whole book.

"Hi," I greet her back. I hope there's still ink left by the time she's done.

A familiar face walks up to us and stands by the Japanese girl: Scott.

"Done?" He questions the girl. I glance at the printer as the last page prints out; the cover page. It's a dark front with bold white words spelling out, 'The Dread Doctors.' Underneath, the picture is a very realistic illustration of three figures wearing dark cloaks with metal masks covering their faces.

My blood runs cold as I stare at the page before the girl takes it and adds it to her pile of pages.

Scott and the girl walk off with their book and exit the library as Jay walks up to me.

"Great, the printer's out of ink," Jay complains as he walks up to me before spotting my pale expression.

"Hey, are you good? You look like you've seen a ghost," Jay comments. I furrow my eyebrows as I stare in the direction that they left.

"I think I might've."

Jay and I quickly return to the computers after I told him what I saw.

"So it was called 'The Dread Doctors?" Jay confirms. I nod and he quickly types it into the search engine before pressing enter.

"Oh," Jay comments as he looks at the screen.

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