PART 2 - Chapter Seventeen

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I don't own MTV's Teen Wolf or any of its characters, only my OCs.

The first thing I become aware of is the darkness, followed by a cold feeling in the tips of my fingers and a lumpy surface which I lie upon. 

I move my fingers slightly but freeze when they come into contact with something cold that feels a lot like skin. My eyes jerk open and I realise the lumpy surface I'm lying upon is bodies. Dead bodies. 

I shoot up and let out a scream as I attempt to scramble to my feet and away from the blank expressions that stare back at me, tears welling in my eyes.

"Claire. Claire, it's okay." I look up as someone kneels beside me. Theo and I pull each other into a tight hug as he helps me to my feet as I wipe away the stray tears that have trailed their way down my pale cheeks.

"Theo, what happened?" I mumble into his shirt. Last I remember I was with Jay and then we were attacked…

"H-how am I not dead?" I stutter out as more tears fill my eyes at the memory of what happened.

"I'll explain later; I'm not done yet," Theo says, pulling back from me and his voice turning cold.

I furrow my eyebrows as he picks a syringe up from the ground before walking over to the large tree stump that the pile of bodies lie against.

"Theo?" I call out unsurely as he walks over to a boy and injects him with the glowing liquid. The boy gasps and his eyes open wide, flashing a bright purple for a second. I let out a gasp and scramble back slightly as Theo repeats the process with two girls and another boy before turning around and walking back over to where I stand.

"What's happening? Who are you?" One of the girls questions with wide eyes. Wait, that's Tracy. And isn't the other girl Hayden?

Theo turns to look at them with a smirk on his face and a look I don't recognise that makes my stomach feel uneasy.

"I'm your alpha. And all of you?" Theo points at the group of four very confused teens in front of us, "All of you belong to me."

Without explaining anything more to us, Theo leads us to one of the Dread Doctors old buildings; the one where they kept Liam, Hayden and I after we were captured. 

The prison cells are empty as we walk past them, the door pulled from its hinges and laying discarded on the floor. 

We continue walking and enter a large room with a few upturned tables laying in the corner and bits of shattered glass hazardly spotted on the wooden floors.

"Won't the Dread doctors find us here?" A boy who looks vaguely familiar for some reason questions. Theo shakes his head in answer.

"They abandoned this place since Scott and his beta know where it is," he answers.

Theo then tells the others to find a place to rest, saying he'll explain more in the morning. I stay silent the whole time till the others have left the room.

"Theo, what's going on?" I question quietly, my voice cracking slightly as I sit down against the wall, bringing my knees up to my chest.

Theo lets out a heavy sigh as he sits beside me, placing a hand on my knee. 

"It's a long story-" he starts but I quickly cut him off.

"Well I have a lot of time! So please, just tell me the truth." Theo takes in a deep breath before he starts.

"A little over eight years ago, I started having nightmares. I'd wake up in the middle of the night crying and screaming and mum and dad would rush in to console me. Eventually, they took me to a psychologist who prescribed me with bottles of sleeping pills. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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