Chapter Two

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I don't own MTV's Teen Wolf or any of its characters, only my OCs.

I wake up with a jolt to the sound of knocking on the front door.

I rush downstairs, barely awake, as I answer the door with a yawn. I hardly got any sleep last night due to the constant nightmares and waking up in cold sweats.

"Hey, Claire…uh," Jayden turns slightly red when he notices I'm only wearing a tank top and a pair of pink shorts. I feel myself turn red as well.

"Uh, one sec." I slam the door in his face and run upstairs, quickly pulling on a pair of jeans and a flowy blue t-shirt before quickly brushing my teeth and ripping a brush through my hair.

"Yes?" I ask as I open the door, slightly out of breath due to my lack of exercise. 

"My mum asked me to bring over these brownies and to walk you to school seeing as your brother isn't here." I furrow my eyebrows at the last part.

I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket to see a missed message from Theo.

From ~ Werebro 🦴🐕

Heading out to the gym before school. See you at lunch 😎

I turn off my phone and shove it back into my pocket.

"Thanks Jay. Just give me a sec to grab my shoes and backpack," I say as I step back, inviting him in. 

He walks in and puts the container of brownies down onto the countertop as I squeeze a pair of, slightly too small, black converse on.

Grabbing my backpack from where I left it yesterday, I walk over to Jayden where he's waiting by the door.

"Okay, let's go."

The walk to school only takes about fifteen minutes or so but we barely notice the distance, too consumed in our conversation.

"...I mean I understand where Tony was coming from but allowing yourself to be controlled like that because of a contract that you signed? No thank you, I'd much rather be on Cap's side," Jayden decides after our long discussion on Team Ironman or Team Cap.

"Plus all the hot guys are on Cap's side," I agree, causing Jayden to playfully shove me in the side.

"Great, we only have five minutes till class starts," Jayden points out as we near the school.

Jayden and I sprint the remaining distance to school and rush into the first period we have together, History.

Jayden and I slip into our seats just as Mr. Yukimura walks in.

"Alright class, I hope you all did last night's reading on the Civil War and what started it." I groan and slump into my textbook. Great.

After a gruelling History and Chemistry lesson, we head onto the field for track. It's required for anyone not in any other sports but coach makes his lacrosse players do it anyway so it's basically just become mandatory.

"Wow, not even five minutes in and you're barely in front of Stilinski," Jayden jokes as he jogs over to me. I roll my eyes but am cut off as I heave for breath.

Stopping for a moment, I pull my inhaler out of my pocket and take a few deep breaths as I allow the cool air to inhale into my lungs.

"Yeah, I've had really bad asthma since I was about eight," I explain to Jayden as I shove the inhaler back into my pocket and continue jogging besides him.

"I wonder what Stilinski's excuse is?" Jayden lets out a laugh as we glance behind us to find the poor guy leaning against his friend that's busy dragging him along the track.

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