[Jeongyeon x M Reader] EAT SPIT!

Start from the beginning

You ran.

"Fucking loser!" you heard Jeongyeon yell. "At least move the damn bike!"

You bombed that audition, badly. Your appearance threw the scouts off, and the new injuries made your movements stiff. You may have held onto that grudge, but you managed to find success with a different company a few months later. With the intensity of training and debut in your future, you forgot about that bike accident.

That was, until a music bank three years later.

You were onstage waiting for the results to be announced. It was your group versus TWICE, one of the hottest girl group sensations at the time. You didn't know why you had to bother—it was obvious TWICE would win.

Imagine your surprise when they didn't. The award went to GFRIEND, instead, and your group stood behind TWICE, who were trying not to react badly in front of the cameras.

"Man," one of your group members whispered. "That's got to suck."

You shrugged. "I prefer GFRIEND's music, anyway," you said.

"Don't let them catch you saying that."

It was too late—one of the members of TWICE had noticed, and was turning around. They laid eyes on you, then blinked.

You stammered. "Y—you?"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Yoo Jeongyeon hissed.

"I performed!" you said. "I might have been a JYP idol, if it weren't for you!"

"Me? That wasn't my fault!"

"It was entirely your fault! Thanks to you, I bombed my audition!"

"Maybe you just bombed it because you were shit!"

"Maybe you didn't just win that award because you were shit!" you retorted.

"How many awards have you won, again?"

That struck a nerve. Your expression darkened. "Don't."

"None, if I had to guess? Maybe one. That must have been the biggest moment of your pathetic little life," said Jeongyeon.

"Shut up."

"I mean, I didn't even know you were a member of your group. That tells you how useless you are."

"As if!" you said. "I didn't recognize you were a member of TWICE, until now! If anything, your face is more forgettable."

"You seem to remember me just fine," said Jeongyeon. "But then again, you're on the idiot spectrum. Maybe your judgement is just poor."

#DREAMDAY: A (Mostly) TWICE BookWhere stories live. Discover now