The Aftermath - IV

Start from the beginning

"I'm quitting my internship," Jade says. "Sorry if two days of not being around caused you this much stress. I didn't think I had that much contribution to this company anyway. I'm just an intern."

"Why are you quitting?" Perrie narrows her eyes at her. She watches the blonde way too intensely. "To get away from me? Is that it?"

Jade scoffs, "Please...not everything I do is because of you. Quit thinking that you're the center of everything."

Perrie sighs. Her demeanor changes. "Jade...when are you gonna stop hating me?"

"When are you gonna stop following me?" Jade retorts.

"I'm not following you–"

"Oh, really? Why did you buy Disora in the first place, then?"

This time, Perrie scoffs. "Quit thinking that you're the center of everything." Perrie shoots back what Jade said earlier. "It was my father who asked me to buy the company–not because I'm following you."

"Oh? And did he also ask you to buy the bar where I used to serve drinks in? The coffee shop? What about the grocery store, huh? I was working peacefully there until you showed up as the new owner. Last time I checked, those were not even listed under the e-commerce industry."

They were having an intense stare-down, but Jade's gaze was stronger than the blonde's. Perrie was the first to avert her gaze. Her expression has also softened.

"Jade...please, let me–"

"I'm done here, Perrie. I came to quit my internship." Jade didn't wait for Perrie to answer. She immediately walked out of the blonde's office. What she doesn't know is that Perrie followed her out of her office.

"Jade! I just want to talk!" Perrie blurts out a little too loudly.

Jade stopped and spun around to face Perrie, not knowing that they were in the middle of the 10th floor where the remaining employees sat on their desks, freely witnessing their intense conversation. What's good about it is that neither of them seem to care!

"There is nothing to talk about, Perrie. You know that. It was your decision to stop talking about what happened."

"Well...then, what I've said to you before–I'm taking it back! I have so many things to tell you, if you could just give me a chance. Just...listen to me."

"Too late. I've got no time for your bullshit and drama," Jade spat out the words like lava. "When you decided that we should both move on with our lives, it took me a while to recover. And now that I'm better off without you, you have the audacity to suddenly show up! I am not something that you can throw and take back whenever you change your mind or whenever it pleases you!"

"I am still your wife! We're still married, Jade."

Jade was taken aback. It felt like she was punched in the gut by some invisible force. Even the employees around them were shocked at what Perrie said. Some of them gasped.


Perrie cautiously took a few steps toward Jade. "The divorce paper that I sent you..."

"We both signed it." Jade recalls as she looks at Perrie in the eyes.

Perrie nods. "But I didn't forward it to my lawyer. I burned it." Jade broke from the trance she was in and shook her head. She noticed that a lot of people were staring at them, so she raised her hand and clenched her fists to stop time. Everyone else in the building was frozen in time except for Jade...and Perrie. "I couldn't do it, Jade, I just can't afford to lose you."

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