Pilot - Rookie Day

Start from the beginning

And then roll call was started by Sergeant Grey and I focused while he gave his "every cop is forged" speech he gave to all new rookies.

"It's time to play the Training Officer Match Game." Sergeant Grey announced, "Our contestants are Lucy Chen, hotshot who made her first arrest before clocking in for work."


"Legacy Jackson West, who broke all his dad's records at the academy."


"And John Nolan, who was born before disco died."


"And our winners are... Officer Bradford, you get our hotshot."

Lucy Chen and of course she looked back at me the moment I thought her name. I steeled my features, never letting anyone know what I am thinking.

"Officer Lopez, you get our Legacy. Leaving Bishop to ride with the 40-year-old rookie."

Grey finished up his speech and then dismissed us after holding Nolan back. I turned to Bishop, "Well, you got the short stick."

"No kidding," she replied as we all filed out.

Now it was Boot Time. I couldn't wait to break Officer Chen.

After collecting our gear we headed to the top of the parking garage to set up our shop.

"This is a shop. Do not call it a car. It is where you work." I instructed in my drill sergeant voice as I walked her around the classic crown victoria we would be driving today.

"First, you check the exterior for damage." I pointed at some small marks.

"Any nicks, scapes, or dents need to be logged," I added, then opened the rear passenger door.

"Check the back seat thoroughly for anything a suspect may have left behind. Money, drugs, weapons?"

She nodded in acknowledgment.

"Why aren't you taking notes Officer Chen? Do you think I'm impressed because you picked some low-hanging fruit on your way to work?" I drilled her.

What she didn't know won't hurt her.

She scrambled to get out her notepad and start writing.

"On to shotgun safety," I shouted and we moved to the trunk of the shop, keeping up a brutal pace. "Check the barrel, and verify that it is clear. Then close the action."

"In the back of the shop you have police tape, road flares, and spike strips." I pointed to the prepacked supplies that motor pool dealt with.

"Now body cam check. Turn on your cam and clearly state your name, rank, and badge number."

"Officer Lucy Chen, rookie, 28537." She said confidently. So far, so good.

"Now in the shop," I said and I directed her to the driver's side as I took the passenger side. "Log into the box and put in our serial number."

I waited a moment while she finished her task before I pinned her with a serious stare. She stared back at me like an adorable deer caught in the headlights. She had big doe brown eyes. They had flecks of gold in them making them shine, but what really caught me off guard was her. She hadn't looked away. She had met my gaze and just held it. No rookie had ever done that to me before. She was brave.

"Now, check lights and sirens. And finally, Boot, check yourself. You are about to hit the streets with a loaded weapon and I will not have you get me killed out there. This about to be the worst day of your life."

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