Chapter 30: Problem

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Chloe followed the riverbank for a good three miles but didn't find any other strange indentations in the mud.

Forensics had taken an imprint found near the scene of the little boy's body. It was puzzling. It looked like a giant claw or talon of sorts had left an imprint in the mud. Dogs, cougars, and bears had all been ruled out. No birds existed that would even have a talon that huge. She would take a photocopy of the imprint later when back at the station and show it to Lucifer. Since Angels and Demons and the Devil existed who knew what other celestial or demonic creatures made the earth their home or visited from time to time?

About an hour and not having heard anything from Lucifer, Chloe made her way back to the hospital. She scanned the waiting room but there was no sign of her partner. She wondered if perhaps he had gone home to rest, he had looked exhausted. She made her way to the room that she had found him in before and saw that the guard was back, she nodded to him. As she reached the doorway she was relieved to see Dr. Linda back in bed. She looked pale, she was sleeping, but the monitors seemed to be indicating good rhythms and readings.

She stopped in the doorway. Slumped in the chair, holding the doctor's hand was Lucifer. The railing on Linda's bed was up but he had somehow draped his arm over the top and rested his head on it. He was fast asleep in what she could surmise was a most uncomfortable position. She sat down on the chair by his side and gently rubbed his back. He awoke almost immediately.

Fear entered his eyes as he looked at her and then at Linda.

"She's doing fine," Chloe whispered assuring him.

He sagged in relief against the chair. Running a hand over his jaw he informed her, "They said they had found a bleeder and fixed it. She lost a lot of blood and is very weak. She hasn't woken up."

"She needs sleep. Rest will help her heal. You could do with some sleep as well," she suggested.

"I was sleeping you just woke me up," he informed her cheekily grinning.

"I mean in a bed, all comfortable, with pillows and blankets and..."

He cut her off. "And a warm and willing body beside me?"

"Seriously you need some quality sleep."

He shook his head. "I can't just leave her."

Chloe rubbed his arm marveling over how far he had progressed from when she had first met him. It was obvious how much he cared for Dr. Linda, perhaps in his way even loved her -- not that he would ever admit it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked looking suspicious.

She shrugged "Like what?"

"I don't know - like I'm a bloody rainbow in a hailstorm."

She snorted out a laugh, then sat back looking at him with a smile. "Sometimes you are."

His brow knitted together, his mouth dropped open slightly, and he looked completely puzzled.

She laughed softly. "Don't worry about it." She patted his arm.

A doctor came in to check on Linda.

"How is she, doctor?" Lucifer asked apprehensively.

"She's doing well. She's heavily sedated she'll likely sleep for the next six hours."

Chloe spoke up, "Is she out of the woods?"

"The next two days are critical. If she makes it through them I would say she can make a complete recovery."

After the doctor left she tried to distract Lucifer. "How is Amenadiel? Any improvement in the wing area?"

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