Cakey disaster

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  When Xiaotian goes to open the door Red opens the door first. "Great you're already up! C'mon Red I wanna bake a cake with you as thanks for the jacket!" Mk says taking Red Son's hand and turning around, Red taken aback by the sudden contact just nods and silently walks down to the shop with Xiaotian.

"So, what kind of cake are we making?" Red ask when they enter the kitchen "hmmm Oh! How about red velvet? Unless you want something else?" Red waves his hand dismissively as Xiaotian reaches for the mixing bowls. "Could you grab the flour, baking soda, sugar, powdered sugar, and cocoa powder please?" Xiaotian ask setting the bowls down and grabbing a set of measuring cups and spoons. "Sure but uh I don't know where they are-" Xiaotian's head pops up from behind the counter "in the back second shelf to the right." Nodding Red heads off towards the back Xiaotian however gets the rest of the 'wet' ingredients. A few moments later Red comes back with the ingredients in hand and two apron's "welcome back prince, thought you'd be a bit quicker" Xiaotian remarks "would've been if you told me that...wait PRINCE?!" Red son says flustered swatting their hands around. "Yeah, you call me noodle boy all the time so I get to call you prince." Xiaotian says absentmindedly"I- THATS SO?? GRAHHH" Red says in an exasperated tone. Chuckling Xiaotian takes the bowls apart.

Both Red and Mk put their aprons on "Okay do you want to mix the dry while I mix the wet ingredients?" Mk says casually Red just nods taking the dry ingredients as well as a set of measuring cups. Mk starts with the wet ingredients, cracking two eggs and measuring the milk. After a few minutes of measuring both bowls were filled with their respective ingredients. "And now we just have to mix then and then put them into the oven!" Mk says as he starts taking the wet bowl and pouring it carelessly into the dry ingredient bowl. "QI XIAOTIAN WAIT!" Red yelled in a panic, but alas it was too late. Red Son was covered in a mix of dry and wet cake ingredients. "Whoops hehehe" Mk says chuckling guilty, "WHY YOU!" Red Son tackles Xiaotian and starts tickling and smearing cake batter over them both. "Okay! ASGSYSGHS RED PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" Xiaotian let's out between fits of laughter. "THATS RIGHT NOODLE BOY! SUBMIT TO MY POWER!" Red joins Mk in laughing and then get up, "Hey we didn't ruin all the batter." Xiaotian says with a chuckle placing the cake batter into the tin and the tin into the oven.

  "So, what are we going to do while we wait?" Red ask as he takes off the apron and puts it away, taking Xiaotian's away. "Dunno... you wanna watch a movie?" Xiaotian says trying to brainstorm "I suppose that will suffice, HOWEVER I will NOT be watching a Monkey King themed movie." Red says Mk laughs and they head up to the apartment area of Pigsy's Noodles.

  ┏━✦❘༻YEASH OKAY SO, VERY SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS DELAYED SO FAR. I GOT REALLY LAZY AND DIDN'T WANT TO WRITE! THOUGH THATS REALLY NOT A GOOD EXCUSE. THE NEXT CHAPTER SHOULD BE OUT AROUND THE 20TH, I'm giving myself more time just in case I get into a writing slump. ALSO! constrictive criticism is appreciated. As this is my first characterxcharacter story.༺❘✦━━┓

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