Katherine just looked at her with the sadness in her eyes, she knew how much Shelby worked on her empire and she knew first hand how hard it is to rebuild one.

But before she could say anything the witch spoke "But don't worry about it, they didn't ruin it too much, and I can easily fix it"

"Maybe I can help you with that" said Katherine with a smile while scratching the back of her head.

"Of course you can, I love spending time with you" replied the witch with a smile.

After that they entered a bit more crowded part of Glimmer Grove, and Katherine started explaining what every building is and Shelby listened to her with amazement.

Eventually they stumbled upon Glimmer Grove's market. The smell of freshly baked pies and other goods have caught Shelby's interest.

"Okay but these pies smell super nice" said the witch with enthusiasm.

"Are you hungry?" asked Katherine with a little giggle, 'cause of course she thought Shelby looked cute.

Katherine than went and bought a pie for Shelby, the witch thanked her and they proceeded to find a bench to sit on so Shelby could eat her pie in peace.

And eventually they did find a bench, it was peaceful and quiet. They were near Princess Pier so the view on the river was a bonus.

"Soooo... How do you do the monster hunting, I'm just curious to be prepared" asked the witch.

"Well first I wait for the night to come so I don't have to be as worried about someone seeing me" said the princess as she put a hand on her chin to think a bit more, cause she usually wasn't asked that question.

"And than I activate my super-cool magical girl transformation" Katherine said enthusiastically.

"Wait that's how you switch from monster hunter to princess that fast?!" whisper-yelled Shelby.

"Yup, that's all the magic, I don't even have to know where my armour is. Annnnddd....theres also this cool music that I hear while transforming" Katherine said the last part really enthusiastically.

"Now we gotta go monster hunting together for sure. So what do you do after the transformation?"

"I just go to a random place near the spawn and whack monsters with my battle axe untill they drop a head. It sounds simple but I promise it's fun"

"Yeah I believe you. I mean your monster hunting gear looks awesome.... I actually got inspired by you to make myself a scythe" said the witch with a bit of a blush, scratching the back of her head.

"R-really?" asked the princess in a high pitched tone, surprised that a person she liked was inspired by her, for so many things too.

"Yeah" said the witch with a giggle "you're like super cool, why wouldn't I be inspired by you"

They continued to talk until the night fell and than headed back to Katherine's castle to drop off some things. After that they headed to a spot relatively close to spawn, it was hard to find one that's not full of creeper explosions but they managed to find one.

Katherine than had the monster hunter outfit transformation.

"Pretty cool huh?" asked the princess with confidence in her voice

"Wellll...you kind of just stood there humming to a song and your outfit changed"

"What." said the process "So you're telling me that the whole transformation happens and I'm the only one who can see it"

"At least we learned something new today"

"Yeah" said the princess disappointed

I don't know if it's cannon but I've seen someone in the fandom have this headcannon so I'm going with it

"So do you want my scythe now orrr...?" asked the witch

"I think I'm gonna warm up with my axe first" replied Katherine while grabbing her axe.

Meanwhile Shelby sat on her broom that served as levitating bench "Alright I'll sit here and watch"

Around 25 minutes have passed and Katherine was done warming up, and she killed a couple of monsters.

"Okay I think I'm ready for the scythe" said the princess with a deep breath, cause killing monsters isn't easy

"Alright" said the witch as she hopped off her broom "I can't really summon it and catch it with one arm, mind helping me a little?" said Shelby
with an awkward smile.

"Of course, what do you need me to do?"

"Just stand here" said the witch as she pulled the mosnter hunter closer, next to her "and stretch your arm, be ready to grab the scythe"

"O-okaY" said the princess a bit flustered as she didn't expect to basically hug the witch from behind.

Shelby than made a purple light that materialised into her scythe that Katherine grabbed.

They moved apart from each other and Katherine spinned the scythe.

"Come on try it out on a monster" cheered Shelby

Katherine than attacked a zombie and instead of it just fading away, a purple spirit like aura came out of it and made it disappear leaving a zombie head behind

"Did....did I just, rip it's soul out?" Katherine asked with visible confusion in her tone but she was surely amazed.

"Yup, I mostly like the visuals it gives"

"Oh yeah the purple light is beautiful"

Katherine than went to kill more monsters while Shelby sat on her broom and watched Katherine have so much fun with her scythe, it just made Shelby smile even more.

End of part 8

Hey guys Violet here, this chapter has a few headcannons which I thought would add up to the story, hope you liked the new chapter

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