pretty los angelino

59 15 7

coffee biscuits and milk chocolate
i'm celebrating your birthday

7:14 pm, november 14
i should be studying but i'm looking it up -

when will it be 15 november 12 am in la?

i wanna be the first one to wish you a happy birthday
but i won't end up being able to go through with it

i'll wish you an hour later
(i'll watch the hour on the clock)
don't wanna look desperate now, do i?

and i don't know who i'm putting a show up for anyway
it's not like you ever cared,
whether i was desperate or detached
cool baby, always so cool
has anything ever gotten to you?
or do you just sit there and look pretty and all your problems disappear?

i'm sorry i'm being mean
you're not like that, you're so good
and i'm bitter, i guess, still bitter, despite it all

i love you

happy birthday

i wish you were here, and not in l.a

(isn't it just as sunny here?)

i don't understand why you had to leave

but maybe we'll meet again by the time you turn 20

(another party, perhaps? my friends will tease me about you, i'll turn red, you'll turn away)


happy birthday, pretty los angelino.
i hope the city of angels is treating you well
i love you, i love you, i love you

i hope the city of angels is treating you welli love you, i love you, i love you

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