Chapter 11

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Nobody's POV

You and Blitz ended up passing out for a bit after making love. You slowly open your eyes to the sight of Blitz. Your head still laying on his chest like before. You smile at him as he continues to sleep, snoring a bit. You decide to climb on top of him and rest your head on his shoulder. Blitz stops snoring which makes you turn your head to see him awake now.

"Hi sleeping beauty." You giggle and quickly peck his cheek. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you in for a real kiss.

"We couldn't have been out that long, it's still daylight." Blitz turns his head to look out the window, you do the same.

"The sun is actually setting," with your words, you get off of Blitz and sit up, "and tomorrow it's pain game time!" You turn your gaze to focus on Blitz again. "I'm gonna kick your butt." You stick your tongue out at him. He sits up, smirking. He grabs your hair and pulls your head up.

"We'll see babygirl." He kisses your lips, letting go of your hair. Blitz looks you up and down. "I think we should both take a shower, then get some sleep." You roll your eyes at him knowing the real reason he wants to shower with you.

"I will take another shower.. but no funny business." You point at him as he nervously laughs.

"Pfft, funny business? What funny business? I just want to admire how gorgeous you are." He wiggles his eyebrows at you which makes you laugh.

"Okay, let's go." You pull him by the arm making him stand, then the two of you quickly shower and head to bed afterwards, cuddling like you used to.


You wake up to the pressure of weight on your body. You slowly open your eyes to see Blitz smiling and purring.

"Wakey wakey sunshine!" You let out a groan as he drags you out of the bed.

"How the hell did you even wake up before me?" You question Blitz while he gets dressed. He just shrugs his shoulders.

"Guess I'm just to excited." You giggle at him and begin putting on your outfit for the games. You catch Blitz staring at you while you strip into your bra and underwear. You can swear you see him drool a little too. You grin at him and turn around, bending over to grab some clothes from the dresser. You know exactly what you're doing. "You fucking tease.." he crosses his arms as you stand back up.

"Me? A tease? I would never!" You pretend to sound offended. Blitz rolls his eyes. He pulls you close to him and grabs your butt from behind. You gasp in surprise by his action.

"Oh you are so getting railed later~" he winks at you and kisses your forehead.

"I'm counting on it." You give him a sly smirk and poke his nose.

"Okay enough of that. Get your hot ass dressed so we can meet up with the others.." you pull away from his embrace to get dressed. "you know, I want to rub it in that snake cunts face that I got you and not him!" Blitz exclaims as he watches you get dressed. You giggle at him as you pull your pants up.

"It's kinda cute how jealous you are." You smirk at him and put on your shirt. He just stares at you and scoffs.

"Yeah, well.. you're cute as fuck when you moan." Your face heats up at his words. He can tell you're getting flustered. "Awe, is my wittle baby fwustered." He pokes your cheek with a grin on his face.

"S-shut up." You mutter and slap his hand away. "We should probably meet up with everyone. We have to eat breakfast quickly though." You kiss his cheek and start making your way to the door. Blitz can't resist so he slaps your butt as he walks close behind you. You look behind you, letting out a small growl. He puts his hands up in defense.

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