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"do we really have to leave her?" asked elle, placing the carrier with barbie it

"you know how the vampires feel about any halflings" snapped her older brother, elijah

"can you not be mean to her? she's leaving her daughter, our niece!" malikah says

elle kneels down and kisses barbie's head softly, promising that one day she will come back and return to get her daughter but for now she was under the protection of john winchester. little did elle know, that leaving barbie with john was the worse choice she would make.


barbie had been reading lore about dhapmires and vampires for as much as she could. she's also been trying to find out who her mother is, and where she is currently. but nothing, bobby tries to find information of any sort, but same as barbie, there wasn't any new information.

"..bie...barbie!" shouts sam

"huh? sorry"

"you okay?"

"just thinking, about everything"

dean hasn't spoken to barbie in the past few weeks, she knew it was because she was a vampire but that wasn't fair. barbie had been feeding off animals, she's slowly been gaining more control over herself but regardless it wouldn't matter to dean.

"am i a monster?" barbie asked

"hey, no, no, you're not" sam sits down at the table across from the bed

"but sam-"

"barbie, stop, i'm not gonna hear you belittle yourself"

barbie doesn't answer when the door opens revealing dean had a case for them. sam nods as he asks him what the case. and as dean's going on and on, talking to sam about the case, barbie says: "i'm going to new orleans"

"what?" sam's attention is taken away dean

"i'm going to new orleans, i think that's where john met elle, my mom"

"how do you know?" sam asked

"i looked at his journal, he mentions in-"

"you what?!" dean speaks to her for the first time in weeks

barbie explains again that she saw in john's journal about the day he met elle. dean however seemed fuming about something else, maybe anything else.

"you touched dad's journal!?"

"it's not like i broke it or anything, i just wanted to see if he wrote about elle and-"
"what are you doing touching my stuff!" snapped dean

"it's john's and plus i don't need your permission, sam does it all the time, why can't i?"

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