and soul's all that matter to me

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Aki knew he was going to die. He knew it ever since his family was taken away from him, ever since he signed this contract. He felt like he was on thin ice, every mission, every morning when he brews his coffee, everytime he starts his car.

Yet today as he puts on his black gloves, he asks himself what he's been scared of from the start.

Do I really want to die?

If so, is that why I'm wearing gloves, sitting next to a devil who could kill me any second now?

If so, why do I watch as he eats his avocado egg sandwich with both hands, drinking down my coffee, with so little haste? What do I really fear, if not death?

Angel passes him the cleaned plate.

"Thank you." He says. Aki admires the way he speaks, with so little words yet so much emotion. He's not like that at all. In most cases Aki chooses to stick with strictness, a solid front. He doesn't get things his way if he didn't.

He takes the cup from Angel with both hands,

"You know, you're the first person to not make a mess while eating my food in this house." He states, in which Angel tilts his head.

"Where are the other two?"

"Down at Headquarters with Makima-san."

"Huh, that's unfortunate."

Aki frowns.

"Meeting Makima-san?"

"Nope. Waking up early." Angel tells him casually, looking into his glass window.

"I hate work." He adds, still gazing into the city, it's busy life and focuses on a woman outside, drying her wet umbrella. While he's doing so, Aki sneaks a smile, eyes unwavering from him. There is a way the sunlight seeps from the window to his skin, the way it glows a beautiful golden, like it's outlining him. Angel rubs his eyes, half-asleep.


He had the thought of doing it. Subconsciously his hand moves, lifts itself, faltering over to the top of his head. But as this moment, only one person made it to stop him.

The image of her soft pink hair, and the shape of her body. Her voice, sultry and always calling. A calm before the storm.


That made him click back to reality, only now he realizes his hand, that was supposed to be patting his head, is now held in a clenched fist. His frowned expression melts into his usual gaze. He faces Angel, clueless.


"I asked if you're on duty today."

"N-" she appears in his mind again, hands behind her back, looking at him with lust in her eyes. He does have a meeting with Makima in three hour's time, but he struggles to tell. He imagines further. She purses her lips, but as his mind continues to grasp for reality, Angel's curious head tilt makes a part of him snap out of it again.

His wide eyes bring him back here. That panic in his mind beats slow. He's here again.

"No." He shrugs the goosebumps off, leaning onto the wall.

"No, I don't." Hearing Aki say that makes Angel's chest feel warm.

Aki's eyes wander, from the tip of Angel's head to the glisten of Angel's collarbones, and that's when he realizes. That same beat of his heart. The same rhythm that keeps him craving for more. Slowly, he gives in, unafraid to move closer ...and closer ...

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