ties that are broken

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"you're late." Angel makes himself sound angry, though he actually doesn't care. He's here now, and that's better than not turning up at all.

Aki puts his bag down.

"Sorry. Had to make Denji a sandwich."

Angel's frown furrowed further.

"Is he like, your pet?"

Denji is the latest addition to the team, and he's under Aki, together with Power, the blood devil. These days Aki seemed unfocused on their private missions, always late and always in a hurry to finish the business fast. Today he looked more disheveled than usual, eyes tired as he puts the pieces of his gun together, coughing harder.

The cold must have been hard on him. He had returned the blazer, left it on his desk in office, he was too ashamed to return it to him physically. Because what do you say to your "Bro" who lent his blazer for you, in which you slept in? Thanks, bro?

Angel plays with his fingers, twindling thumbs as the other fires the gun.

"He's not a pet." Aki took a whole 2 minutes to answer that.

"He's worse."

And the bullet flies to the dart pan, making a loud bang. The silver bullet falls to the ground, and immediately Aki reloads it. Angel folds his arms, acting tough.

"It'll come out soon, better to stay on guard."

"Yes, I know." Aki agrees.

Angel knew he'll be damned if he said anything else. He knew Aki would explode. He knew his perfect image of him would shatter if he did. So he says nothing more, and pulls out his sword, looking out for him. Yet, he was happy Aki didn't argue or put up an egoistic front like he did before. These trainings has put them together. Especially for Angel.

Aki huffs out another cough, and pulls out another cigarette from his box.

Damn, this Denji must've really did a number on him.

Alas, they hear the sound of rumbling. This one's a big one, only able to die with strong impact, but if course, Angel knew he could kill it in seconds. It's easy, though he's unsure how Aki would do it. He stays in his spot, waiting for instructions. But this time, as Angel spectacles his tall figure take it down, he notices the sway of his body, and the shrug in his shoulder.

Aki turns back to face him.

"You know the drill." His voice is shroud, his pale lips dragging the words out.

Angel's feet are rooted to the ground. It seems something is stopping him from doing what he's always done. This time, this time a part of him isn't listening . He wants to argue. He wants to fight. Those bloodshot eyes tell him he's not ready. And he knows. Once Aki turns his back on him, Angel lunges forward, his wings taking flight, his arms ready to grasp the devil's head.

Aki gasps. "What are you doing?"

Angel knows he's mad, he can tell from the tone of his voice. But he can't hear him now that he's 5 feet above the ground, ready to slay his target.

"I'll take care of it!" He screams, he no longer cares if Aki hears him below. It felt good. It felt good to save somebody's life.

Aki tries to shoot into the Mass Devil's ankles so it loses its foot and falls, but Angel has swung his sword and thrown it like a lightning bolt, the shining gold slicing the devil's neck in two, it's head seperating. The devil roars in pain, hurting his ears like a megaphone has launched into his ears. Angel covers his ears, his wings begin to get tired. But he doesn't give up.

"Wait right there!" He hears Aki yell.

Aki, from below, executes the fox devil to consume it entirely. But as he runs, his breaths start to shorten, he coughs, and begins to lose balance. The monster takes its chance,throws a hit on him, and he falls into the ground. His body makes no further movement. No response. No calls. No voice to speak his name.

Angel had never in his life cared this much about someone. He never wanted to care. But in this moment, time has lost its motion, and watching Aki in such a state makes him want to turn the world upside down.

Unfortunately as he was busy looking down at Aki, the devil took the distracted one in its clutch, laughing sinisterly. Angel was ready.

"10 years." And the devil dissolved into thin air, leaving him free. Angel rushes down to the ground, running head-first like some sort of race with himself. Aki's body is too weak to move any further, on his knees, the boy looks up to him one more time. His blood has was draining out his chest, his arms scarred. The boy's eyes were aon the verge of closing.

"Aki!" Angel frantically calls.

His hands struggle to find where to touch him.

"I-I can't touch you!" He says over and over again, unable to find anything else to say.

"Angel." His voice caught up with his shortened breaths. Angel moves closer, and before he knows it, his eyes begin to water.

"Call...the ambul-"

"OKAY OKAY I'LL CALL THE AMBULANCE!" Even he was surprised by the squeaking of his voice, how high pitched it's become.

The blood was gushing out, his barren chest almost covered with it. Angel panicked further, hesitating. He could no longer feel anything, just the numbing pounds of his heart against his chest. Honestly,a part of him just wanted to cry further. He wanted to wail and hold his face, touch his eyelashes and tell him he's going to be okay. But it's too out-of-character.

He hates devils.

I hate humans.

What the fuck am I doing?


"I know." Aki's voice was calm, cool. It was more surprising to see him that calm in such a situation. His eyes were already closed, but he could feel him close.

"You did good. Thank you." Aki struggled to say anything else, as his chest rose and lifted. Angel stayed on his knees, watching him till the ambulance came and the sirens interrupted his hiccups and choked up cries. The red and blue lights tinted his rested face, Angel watched. His lips were lightly pink, his nose hooked and perfectly structured. His hair messy and wet from sweat. He had long eyelashes.

Why does he look good dying?

He had put his on blazer ontop of Aki's body, as it was all he could do. But it was no use. He wasn't a human, he wasn't warm blooded. Nothing he could do could help him. And he hated himself for that.

Angel only got up when Aki was driven away. He only had the strength to then, he had no strength left in his body to do anything else. No matter how much his stomach grumbled, he did not find hunger a priority.

He just stayed there. His wings dragging the floor as he walked, his blood-stained face tired and emotionless.

He eyes loomed over his hands. Clean. No blood. No dirt.

"I couldn't touch you."

I couldn't save you.

AkiAngel - if you Never Touched MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ