c - argument (requested)

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this story was requested by @swagsid go check out their page!! thank you for the request :)

"when did i ever say that?!" chris yells at me. we had been arguing for the past hour. i had tears in my eyes , but blinked them away.
"don't play dumb! you're yelling at me for no reason chris!" i replied back.
"no reason?" he said, angry.
"yes! i didn't fucking cheat on you chris! i would never do that. she's obviously lying!" i replied. my best friend sent him a fake screenshot of me kissing another guy. it was so badly edited and he still believed it.
"i have a picture y/n!" he said. i scoffed.
"come talk to me when you come to your fucking senses." i said, walking out of his room and slamming the door. as soon as i left his room, i stood still and put my hands over my face. tears had began falling down my face, unable to stop them now. i had been standing there for a few minutes, when nick walked out of his room. he saw me standing there and rushed over to me.
"omg are you okay? what happened?" he asked, worried.
"can we go to your room?" i asked, wiping my face. he nodded and took me to his room by my hand. he shut the door behind us and i sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the floor.
"what did chris do?" he asked, sitting next to me.
"my bestfriend sent him an edited picture of me kissing someone, and it didn't even look real. and he believed her! i would never do that to him nick." i said.
"i know y/n, do you want me and matt to talk to him?" he asked. i just shrugged my shoulders.
"i'll be right back" he said, rubbing my shoulder and walking out of the room. i scooted back and leaned on the headboard and brought my knees up to my chest. tears continued rolling down my face, but i was more angry then sad. why would he believe her? why doesn't he trust me?

chris pov

i heard a knock on my door. i ignored it. my door then opened, and nick and matt walked in and shut the door behind them. i just sat on my bed silently. they awkwardly walked over to the bed, and sat across from me.
"what" i said, still aggravated.
"chris.. don't be stupid! you know y/n wouldn't do that." nick said.
"i know, it was in the heat of the moment. what was i supposed to believe?" i said back.
"your girlfriend! not a poorly edited picture from someone that has been jealous of y/n for years!" matt said. i just sat there silently, i didn't know what to say.
"you need to apologize, chris." nick said. i nodded.
"i know."

y/n pov

i hadn't moved since nick was in the room, and i wasn't really planning on it. i heard a light knock on the door, and assuming it was nick, i said "come in"
i then saw chris walk into the room and shut the door behind him. he scratched the back of his head, and once he saw the state i was in, his eyes softened.
"y/n.. i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have believed her. it was in the heat of the moment and i promise i do trust you." he said, walking over to me.
"chris.. why didn't you believe me?" i asked, tearing up again.
"i was just already in a bad mood, and i didn't take time to think about it before i just jumped to conclusions. i really am sorry." he said, and i sat up. i wrapped my arms around his waist from where i was sitting and hugged him tightly. he hugged me back and rubbed my back gently.
"i'm sorry." he repeated.
"it's okay chris." i said, not letting go. i wanted to stay like this forever.
"i love you" he said.
"i love you too" i replied, and pulled away. he leaned down and kissed me gently, and then grabbed my hand and stood me up. he lead me to his room, and shut the door behind us. he laid down and i laid down next to him, cuddling up to his side and laying my head on his chest. he wrapped his arm around me and softly played with my hair. i love this man with my whole heart.

sturniolo imagines !!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin