m - misunderstanding??

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i was dating matt and we were really happy. we'd been dating for 6 months and i was so comfortable with him. i trust him with my whole life, and everyone knows it. we had a really public relationship, so we always have jealous people trying to sabotage. we never let it get to us, and we are great with communicating.

he had texted me a couple minutes earlier saying he was coming over, so i tidied up my room a bit and made some popcorn, because we were gonna watch a movie.

before matt left his house, i heard my phone ding and went to check it. it was my best friend mckenzie. i checked what she said, and it was a screenshot of her and matt's texts. confused, i looked and my heart dropped.
he had texted her "hey. i know i'm dating y/n but i really like you"
my eyes started to tear up, and i shut my phone off and threw it on my bed. is this true? kenzie wouldn't lie to me. we've been friends for years. i texted matt and said,
"forget it, don't come."
he immediately read it and replied with,
"what? is everything okay?" and i said,
"just go be with kenzie." and blocked him.

i got a text from chris, saying,
"y/n please talk to matt. he's in my room crying and pacing back and forth, just unblock him and explain he has no idea what's going on."

i felt bad and unblocked him, sending him the screenshot that kenzie had sent me.

i felt bad and unblocked him, sending him the screenshot that kenzie had sent me

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he replied with,
"y/n.. that's fake. i never said that!"
and i said,
"kenzie wouldn't lie to me matt."

"and i would? don't you trust me y/n, i mean come on you know kenzie has had a thing for me for the longest time!"

then i started to connect the dots. when me and matt started dating. she'd get super moody when i'd bring him up. and every time we all hung out, she'd be all over him. it'd make sense that she'd want us to break up.

"matt im sorry, you're right i should've just trusted you. please come over and we can talk?"

to which he replied of course, and then he was on his way. i threw out the cold, stale popcorn. i hated to waste it, but neither of us were eating that. i sat anxiously on my bed and waited for him to get here. i heard my front door open and took a deep breath as footsteps headed towards my room. he knocked lightly, and i told him to come in. he walked in and shut the door behind him, and walked over to where i was sitting. he stood in front of me in between my legs, and pulled me into a hug. i hugged his waist tightly, as he started playing with my hair.
"you know i would never do that, right?" he said, looking down at me and pulling away. i nodded, and apologized for scaring him and believing her. he smiled and i smiled back, grinning. he looked at me with a confused look on his face, and i pulled him onto the bed. we giggled and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. i dug my head in his chest and he began playing with my hair again. i mumbled "i love you" into his chest, to which he kissed my head and said it back. i slowly drifted to sleep in his arms, knowing i was gonna deal with the upcoming argument with kenzie later.

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