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me and matt have a very flirty friendship. we cuddle, kiss eachother on the cheek/hand, and do most things that couples do. i was into him, and nick was the only one that knew. i wasn't sure if he was into me. but little did i know, everything would change tonight.

i got a text message from nick, and picked up my phone to see what he said. it read: "y/n can you come over? i gotta talk to you."
i was nervous, but replied with of course and threw my shoes and one of matt's hoodies on. i walked out of my house and walked to theirs, which was right next door. my window faced matt's, and that's how we met a couple years ago. a tree connects our rooms and we built a little platform that we meet on every once and a while. we called it "our spot"

i walked inside and straight to nicks room, knowing he didn't mind. i knocked on his door, and he opened it. he greeted me with a hug and let me in, closing his door behind him. i sat on the edge of his bed and he sat down next to me.
"so.. what's up?" i asked, making eye contact with him. he looked almost.. sad? or maybe guilty? i couldn't tell. but the words that came out of his mouth next shocked me.

"matt got a girlfriend."

he said this quietly, not breaking eye contact with me. i felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. tears welled up in my eyes, but i held them back.
"o-oh." i choked out, wiping my eyes with the sleeve of matt's hoodie. i wanted to take it off and throw it in his face, and just confess to him. but of course i didn't.
"who?" i asked, as nick placed his hand on mine.
"bsf/n."  he said, pulling me into a hug. i just sat there, shocked. my best friend, was dating the love of my life. how could this day get any worse. and of course, it did. as i was crying in nicks arms, matt walked in the room.
"hey nick i- woah woah y/n are you okay?" he asked running up to me and kneeling down where i was sitting. i couldn't even look at him. i nodded and began to sit up, thanking nick quietly and heading out of his room. matt followed me, shutting the door behind us. i kept walking but i felt a hand grab mine and spin me around. he pulled me into a tight hug before i could act, and i immediately felt safe. i hugged him back and dug my head into his chest, sobbing. he rubbed my back and swayed back and forth slowly, which is something he always did when he was trying to help me calm down. once i pulled away i slid off his hoodie and handed it to him.
"i'm sure bsf/n will want this." i said, not making eye contact with him and walking out of his house before he could say anything. he looked guilty, like he knew he fucked up. i walked over to my house and ran up to my room, shutting and locking my door. i weakly climbed in my bed, my led lights on a dim blue. i turned on music and just laid there, thinking. i should've known he didn't like me. why did i let myself get so attached. why did it have to be my bestfriend. now i can't ever have a chance bc i would never date my best friends ex. a few tears slid down my face. i got interrupted when i heard a light knock on my window. i looked over and saw a paper on my window, that read "meet at our spot? please."
i sighed and walked over to my window. i opened it slightly, and ripped the paper off, and shut my window. i balled it up and threw it in the trash, then walked back over to my bed. i sat on the edge of it, head in my hands. should i have just gone? am i being overdramatic? i again got interrupted, when i heard my phone ding. i looked and saw a text, of course from matt. it read: "y/n please meet me. we really need to talk."
i looked at it for a second, before throwing on one of my own hoodies and opening my window, climbing through and crawling to the wooden platform in between our windows. matt was sitting there, looking at me. i sat in front of him and faced him.
"so?" i said, pulling my sleeves over my hands. it was really cold, and this was a really short and thin jacket. i never used my own, because i always had matt's. so this had to do.
"y/n.. first i wanna say i'm sorry." he said, putting his hand on mine. i pulled my hand away. and looked down.
"it's fine." i said, fiddling with my fingers.
"i just wanna ask.. why does me dating her bother you so much?" he said, not looking away from my eyes. really?
"i-it doesn't." i lied, not looking up.
"come on y/n, i can read you like a book." he said.
"matt can i go inside, im cold and i don't wanna talk to you about this right now." i said.
"y/n please just tell me." he said, pushing it further.
"matt, it doesn't bother me."
"yes it does!" he said, and i just snapped.
"fine! maybe because i'm fucking in love with you?" i said throwing my hands up. i began to stand up and crawled back to my window. he just sat there shocked. i messed up. i shut my window and took off the jacket, crawling in my bed and under the covers. i just wanted to sleep. eventually i drifted to sleep, ignoring the messages on my phone.

i woke up to the sun shining through my window. i wiped the sleep out of my eyes, and grabbed my phone. i looked and saw a few messages from matt, and some from nick. i read nicks first.

you told him!?

he's pacing back and forth

he went into his room and locked
the door, he won't come out

please text him y/n

y/n can we please talk.

i'm so sorry.

please, we really need to talk.

y/n i broke up with her. please come
over and talk to me.


i looked outside of my window and saw matt's dark room, with led lights on a dim blue. i saw a faint outline of him sitting on his bed, and it looked like he had his head in his hands. i felt bad for leaving so abruptly last night, so i threw on my jacket and climbed out of my window. i crawled over to his window, and knocked on it lightly. he put his head up and looked towards me, and when he saw me his eyes lit up. they were red and puffy, and i could tell he had been crying. he walked over to the window and opened it, and i crawled through.
"y/n i-"
i interrupted him by hugging him tightly.
"i'm sorry" i said into his chest, and he hugged me back.
"there's nothing to be sorry for, y/n." he said, hugging me back tightly, resting his head on mine. he swayed back and forth slowly, and we stayed silent for a few seconds.
he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"y/n i love you too."

i was shocked, but couldn't stop myself from smiling. i looked dumb, but i didn't care.
"really?" i said, putting my hand up and wiping the dried, stained tears off of his cheek. he nodded and smiled, before leaning down and kissing me softly. he put a hand on my waist, and another on my face. i kissed him back. once we pulled apart, i hugged him one more time.
"will you be my girlfriend, y/n?" he asked.
i nodded into his chest, and he kissed the top of my head.

sturniolo imagines !!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ