m - gone

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this is probably bad i just randomly thought of it so idk if it'll end up good 😭


me and matt had planned to hang out tonight and it was like 8am. i was excited and already planning things we were gonna do. he was gonna come over and we were gonna watch a movie, then we were gonna go to my game room and probably play pool or mario kart, then i bought some ice cream and topping and we were gonna make sundaes. i was super excited and planning an outfit, even though it was just a hangout and we were staying inside. i haven't seen matt a lot recently because he had been busy with youtube stuff, so it was pretty exciting. i was a little confused because he hadn't texted me goodmorning yet. which he always does. then again it was early so maybe he was just sleeping. i planned my outfit and then went out to eat breakfast since i didn't have much at home to eat. i did a little bit of shopping and when i got home it was around 12. matt still hasn't texted me so i decided to text him instead. i texted him a simple goodmorning text, to which i got no reply. i assumed he was still asleep. i got home and put on my favorite show, and scrolled on my phone.

time skip

it was around 5pm and matt hadn't texted me all day. i was kinda upset, but i assumed he might have just been busy. i decided to give him a call. he didn't answer. i was confused, but texted him again. i said "hey babe. are we still on for tonight?", something simple. i still got no reply, but tried not to let it get to me. he said he would come over at 7:30, so maybe he was just getting ready.

eventually it got to 7:30, and i had no messages or calls from matt. i got a little upset, but tried to push the bad thoughts away.

it was now 8:00, and i was still being ignored. i had texted him again, saying "matt? is everything okay?", now getting worried that he was hurt. he wouldn't ignore me. right? so the only other explanation is that something bad happened. i called him again, with no reply. i then tried calling nick, with no reply. but he did text me, saying "hey y/n, can't call rn. what's up?", to which i replied "is matt okay? he hasn't answered any of my texts or calls all day" i said, worried. he replied with "umm im not sure. i actually haven't seen him today" which worried me. "is he in his room?" i asked, and he said "let me go check", and i waited. he texted me again, and said "no i guess he's not home because the van isn't here. i'm gonna try to call" i got worried, but replied with "okay, thanks" and tried calling matt again. he didn't answer, but i called again. after about 5 calls with no response, i made the decision to go out and look for him. i was freaking out because the only other time this has ever happened, i found him having a panic attack on the side of the road. i got my keys and walked to my car, and began driving. i didn't exactly know where i was going, but i had to look for him. i tried looking everywhere. he wasn't anywhere to be found. eventually i came to a stop in a random empty parking lot, lost. i didn't know where i was, but i didn't care. i just wanted to find matt and make sure he was okay. i got a text from nick, and he said "matt's phone is still here but he isn't. found him yet?" he asked, and i replied "not yet. still looking, i'll keep you updated." i said, as a tear fell down my face. i was so worried about him. how would he just disappear like this? one second he's here, and the next he's just gone.

after i decided i was gonna keep looking, i saw a car sitting in the other side of the parking lot. i was confused, but went and looked to make sure it wasn't matt. it looked like a van, and once i got close enough, i saw that it was matt's van. freaking out, i ran up to it and looked through the drivers seat window. the car was empty. my heart dropped. where's matt?

i called nick.
"hello?" he said
"i found the van. it's empty nick, i don't know where he is." i said, panicking and crying.
"woah woah, calm down y/n. where are you?"
"i-i don't know. i just drove nick. im in a random empty parking lot surrounded by forest." i said, looking around for any sign of matt. it had started raining, so i ran back to my car.
"turn on your location please. i'm coming there now" nick said over the phone. i agreed and we hung up the call. i made the decision to leave my car and look for matt. i saw an opening in the forest and a pathway.
"MATT!" i yelled, with no response. i walked in slowly. i began walking down the pathway, still yelling his name every once and a while. i marked where i was going so i didn't get lost. as i was walking, i saw matt's glasses sitting on the ground by a tree. i picked them up and slid them in my pocket, yelling his name once more. i heard a yell in the distance. matt.
"WHERE ARE YOU?" i yelled, beginning to run in the direction of his voice.
"I-IM HERE" i heard back. his voice was cracky, like he had been crying. i kept running and began to hear running coming towards me too. in the distance i saw matt running towards me, i ran as fast as i could, and once we got to eachother i slammed him into a tight hug. he held me tightly, with his head in my shoulder. we both just cried in eachothers arms.
"w-where have y-you been..?" i asked into his chest, not letting go.
"i'm so sorry y/n. i-i left early in the morning because i was filming a video for my personal channel, and i got lost. i forgot my phone at home and i couldn't find my way out. i'm so sorry for scaring you." he said, sobbing into my shoulder.
"hey.. it's not your fault matt. i was worried sick but i'm not mad. are you okay?" i asked, pulling away from the hug and looking him in the eyes. he looked heartbroken, his eyes filled with tears.
"now i am" he said, hugging me once more. he held me tightly, swaying back and forth slowly. i finally pulled away, and pulled out my phone and called nick.
"y/n, where the hell are you? we found your car but you're not here!" he said quickly.
"i found him, nick." i said, smiling up at matt.
"holy fuck, thank god." he said, and me and matt began walking out of the forest. eventually we made our way out. we saw nick, and he ran up to us quickly. he slammed matt into a tight hug.
"you scared me so bad." he said.
"i know.. i'm sorry. i- i got lost." he said, hugging him back. once they pulled away, chris and matt shared a tight hug as well.
"i love you dude" chris said, still hugging him.
"i love you too, and i'm sorry" he said, pulling away.

this shit is so random, i don't know where the idea came from i just made shit up as i went. hope you enjoy i guess 💀

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