"I fucking hate clowns." I said that to myself catching my breath and getting myself up, when I got up I saw that I wasn't alone. During the trip back to the Pride Ring I had taken selfie photos with my fans and even done several dozen autographs, it was when the elevator reached the pride ring and the very second the door opened. Flashing cameras started blinding me and I knew that meant.

"Damn it...not again." Sure enough it was paparazzi asking questions one after the other to me as I was shielding my eyes from the flashing cameras, the cameras and questions continued even after I got off the elevator with the other demons that got out. I didn't know how long I can keep my cool without killing those damn paparazzi vermin, just when I was about to snap I started hearing familiar voices that calmed me down.

"Alright you fuckers give her some damn space." Angel Dust said that as he fought his way to the ground as did Vaggie and Charlie, I was happy seeing them and I ran up and hugged charlie

"I'm so damn happy yawl showed up." Just the paparazzi was about to harass me more, Alastor had stepped in my summoning large black tentacles from the ground and capturing those demons as we where walking out Angel had put my jacket over my shoulder.

"How the fuck did you end up in the lust ring in the first place?" The one that questioned that was Vaggie being worried about me and I answered her

"I'll tell yawl in privet." Was my response to her, I didn't say anything until we where all in Charlie's limo. I told them that Fizzarolli was the one that abducted me and brought to Asmondeus himself, everyone was shocked hearing that even more so when I mention about turning down his offer to perform at his club and him not liking that. I didn't mention that I fought him and whipped the floor with a little good and did damaged to his club, the rest of the ride back to the hotel Angel Dust told me about some of the fan mail I had gotten where a little too creepy for my reading liking as where some of the gifts. I thanked everyone for looking threw them for me and separating the creepy fan letters and gifts, I was happy I was finally going to get some piece upon the limo driving up to the hotel......or so I thought getting out. I was happy until I opened the front door and screamed in shock seeing Fizzarolli sitting at the check in desk drinking one of the alcohol bottles, hearing me scream made him look directly at me as everyone that came where in surprised seeing him at the hotel.

"Oh..shit Fizzarolli?" Angel Dust was the one that said that before Fizzarolli got up out of the seat he was sitting on and smashing the bottle on the ground, I hid behind Charlie as Fizzarolli started approaching us well mainly me

"You have no fucking idea how much trouble your in Blood? First turning down Asmondeus and caused several millions worth of damages at Ozzies."

"Damages?"Charlies repeated that as she looked back at me

"Hela what did you do?" I was a little nervous answering that question and Fizzarolli answered for her when he follow approached us

"Ohh I'll tell ya what happened, she actually challenge Amsondeus in a dwell. For a half breed she's powerful enough be close to be an equal to the seven deadly sins. Honest Hela was tough for Asmondeus to beat." Him saying that almost shocked Charlie and surprisingly so did Alastor hearing that Angel, Vaggie, Nifty and Husker where a little surprised that Fizzarolli used the word half breed.

"An equal to the rulers of the seven rings? I highly doubt that?" Alastor was the one that questioned that and Fizzarolli looked over and pointed at me that nearly startled me

"We both doubted that too, saying she was confident with fighting the king of Lust. We both laughed at then until she threw Ozzie threw the wall before taring his office door off it's hinges."

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