"No, nothing. I don't understand why you always ignore the fact that those are our children. You have t take care of them as much as I have to. Just because I am their mother doesn't mean that I have to raise them on my own.", exploded Agnetha.

"Aggie, please don't fight."

Agnetha wanted to reply something before she realized that Linda was still standing next to her listening to every single word she said. "How about eleven o'clock at the park?"

"Fine", answered Björn surprised about Agnetha's sudden friendly tone.

"See you the.", ended Agnetha the conversation.

"Are we going with Papa to the park?", asked Linda excited. Even though she was only six years old, did she realize the intense tension between her parents. Before they had moved to their new house without Björn was there already tension between them but in a different was.

"Yes, we are and now please finish your breakfast."

While the children continued their breakfast started Agnetha clean the kitchen and pack something to eat for the park. The idea of meeting Björn made her feel nauseous. It wasn't a disgusted nauseous more a not knowing if positive or negative excited.

Even though it was shortly before 11 o'clock when Agnetha and the children arrived in the park was Björn already there waiting for Linda.

"Hej my birthday girl.", greeted Björn Linda.

"Do you have presents for me?", asked Linda. (That's the best about having separated parents, twice presents . 😅)

"Sure, you will get them when you visit me tomorrow. We will spend the whole week together."

"No Lena!", made Christian himself noticeable in a certain tone of voice. It was easy to notice that he didn't like Lena, neither did Linda.

"She won't be there. Just the free of us. Maybe Mama will join us one day.", Björn said the last thing in a hopefully tone looking straight to Agnetha who was standing at the side try to get into nobody way.

Agnetha tried to ignored Björns comment but she had to think about that sentence of him's the whole day. She was still wondering why he said that when she was laying in her bed. Exhausted but happy from the long day.

Why did he say that?

Does he wants me just for the children.

Did he ever loved me?

That night Agnetha slept once more bad. She needed someone by her side to distract her from thinking about Björn. But it would be better to have Björn back.

"Mama? Mama?! Are you fine?", Lindas concerned voice brought Agnetha back from her thoughts.

"What did you asked?", asked Agnetha still half in her memory.

"Are you fine?", repeated Linda.

"Why are you asking, sweetie?"

"You was just standing there and staring into space completely ignoring me and Christian.", answered Linda in a bit sulky voice.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. I was just being lost in my thoughts.", replied Agnetha.

"Fine, but you haven't answered my question yet.", kept Linda going.

"Which question?", Agnetha was totally confused.

"If you were fine.", repeated Linda her question for the third time.

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