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As soon as they heard a rumbling from the basement followed by what sounded like an explosion Remy and Luther shot up from the bed. Remy scrambled to find a shirt and as soon as he found one he put it on and ran out of the room with Luther. When they stepped into teh hallway they saw the others already there.
"Yo, what the hell is going on?" Diego walked down the hall towards them.
"Are those explosions coming f-" Klaus' voice wavered.
"Vanya." Remy looked Klaus in the eye as he said that.
"We need to get to safetly outside the Academy." Pogo instructed them.
"Don't forget mom!" Luther shouted after Klaus who carefully dragged Allison with him and Diego.
Another explosion rumbled and before Pogo tried to leave Luther stopped him.
"Pogo. I'm-"
"Go. Now!" The monkey cut him off before rushing away.
Luther and Remy ran through the hallways and scrambled up the stairs, barely keeping themselves upright while the house shook from the impact of another explosion. They eventually reached the floor aboce the living room and silently walked down one of the pathways when they noticed Pogo talking to Vanya beneath them. Luther had to froce Remy to keep quiet when he saw the boy was on the verge of calling out to her as tears stained his cheeks. Luther turned them around and they went into another hallway. When they reached a different set of stairs they made their way down and rushed past the living room to get to the nearest exit. But Remy made the mistake of trying to catch a glimpse of Vanya and saw she had thown Pogo into the antlers on the wall, causing him to get speared by them. Remy fell to his knees in despair as he noticed how Vanya's eyes had gone white and her skin had paled, Vanya was gone. And instead someone cruel and in search of revenge took her place. Luther picked Remy up and Remy sobbed into Luther's shoulder as he walked them out of the house. Within a matter of second the walls crumbled down and the roof caved in, the whole house falling apart and leaving them to the open night sky. Luther was still holding Remy in his arms while the boy cried as he walked around trying to find Allison, Klaus and Diego. It didn't take him long though.
"What about Pogo?" He heard Diego shout.
"He didn't make it." Luther answered from the distance.
"What?" Klaus croaked.
"Vanya killed him." Luther grimaced as he walked closer.
"But Vanya wouldn't-" Diego tried.
"No, I saw it. Remy did too." Luther cut his brother off and jerked his head towards Remy so the others could see the boy crying in his arm because of Vanya.
"Just before we got out." Luther elaborated.
"Mom. Now Pogo." Diego let out a small gasp as he sat himself down.
"Guys!" Five suddenly came into view, climbing over the rocks that used to be walls.
"This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today." The boy said as Luther let Remy down by request.
"No.." Remy gasped as he shook his head.
"I thought it was over." He walked towards Five.
"We were wrong, okay? This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed." Five shook his head in sorrow.
"No, that doesn't mean anything." Remy whimpered.
"Oh Remy.. Come here." Five whispered so only Remy could hear.
Remy immediatly did as Five told him and lunged forward to embrace his best friend. They held each other tightly for a while until Remy calmed down a little. He was overwhelmed by the latest events and too much was happening at once. First Vanya losing control, then her getting locked up followed by her breaking out just when he thought he had a minute of peace and then she proceeded to kill Pogo and destroy the house followed by the news that the world was still ending tonight.
"When I found it, I assumed this place was coming down along with everything else. But here we are, the moon is still shining, the earth is in one peace, but not the Academy." Five explained to the others when Remy claimed the spot at his side.
"I'm confused." Klaus muttered.
"Then listen to me, you idiot." Five shot back.
"Vanya detroys the Academy before the apocalypse." Remy stepped in.
"We thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse." Five continued.
"We have to find her." Luther gaped at the two boys.
"We gotta go, now." Luther said as Diego stood up when helicopters swirled above them.
"Regroup at the Super Star. Go!" Remy shouted at them.
All of them ran a different direction at that. Luther went with Allison and Diego, Klaus and Ben ran away together and Five grabbed Remy's hand to blink away.

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