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Five and Remy were walking over a wrecked highway dragginf a cart with Delores in it after them. Five' face was covered and when he pulled away the mask to drink something the grimace on his face was clear. He poured some through the air for Remy to catch in his mouth.

Snow was falling and everything was covered in a thick layer of snow. Even Remy was starting to get cold and he had a thick fur Five didn't have. They had found a bigger cart for Delores and their other stuff and they were still trecking around with no real destination in mind. Five was having quite some trouble pulling the cart because of the strong winds so Remy tried to help as best to his abilities by pushing the cart from the back.

It was now spring and flowers were starting to bloom, the grass was green and the sky had a nice baby blue tint. Their cart had changed into a bysicle with a cart attached to make it easier for Five. Now he simply had to peddle and that was a relief. Remy was allowed to sit on the cart next to Delores for the time being.

Finally they had found a place to settle temporarily. Remy had found them supplies and food to live off for a while and Delores had her very own chair.
"Do you remember that, uh, little mansion just outside the city limits?" Five asked Remy.
"Where we-" Five spoke but Remy cut him off with a small bark.
"Yeah." Five chuckled.
"Yeah, well, it turns out the whine cellar was left untouched. Remy found it." He said to Delores.
"Picked up a few cases of your favorite Bordeaux." He took a sip from the cup he was holding.
"Hm. Ah, that's an exaggeration. I don't drink too much." Five spoke up after a second again.
"You know, I work hard all day. I- Why would you even say that?" He glanced up when he heard rubble falling. He grabbed his riffle and pointed it at a figure. It was a strange woman with sunglasses and a briefcase. She gave a small wave as she looked at him and Remy and Five cocked his gun.

Luther, Remy and Five were seated facing each other, the younger boys on the bed and Luther on the chair.
"When's it supposed to happen? This.. Apocalypse." Luther asked.
"I can't give you the exact hour, but.. From what we could gather, we have four days left." Five said.
"Why didn't you say something sooner?" Luther asked again.
"It wouldn't have mattered." Five muttered.
"Of course it would! We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing." Luther opposed.
"For the record, you already tried." Five looked up.
"What do you mean?" Luther frowned.
"We found all of you.. Your bodies." Remy whispered barely audible if it wasn't for the otherwise quiet room.
"We die?" Luther raised his eyebrows.
Five cast his eyes down with sadness.
"Horribly." Remy confirmed.
"You were together." Five gulped.
"Trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world." He continued.
"Wait, how do you know that?"
"This was clutched in your hand when we found you." Remy said while reaching in Five's pocket to grab the eyeball, he held it up and then threw it to Luther so he could take a closer look.
"Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down." Remy said.
"Whose head?"
"Like I said, we don't know." Five replied.
"Well, there's a serial number on the back. Think maybe you could try-" Luther examined the eyeball.
"No, that's a dead end." Five interjected with a barely visible frown, he chuckled lightly.
"It's just another hunk of glass." After hearing that Luther reached over to hand back the eyeball.
The door slammed open and Remy flinched harshly at the unexpected sound and movement. Diego stomped in with a scowl and was mumbling various curse words. He didn't even bother closing the door behind him as he went over to the small stairs.
"Piece of shit." He grumbled angrily.
Luther stood up when Diego surged forwards while pointing at Five. Remy already on high guard because of his harsh past with loud noises and sudden movements involving anger took a step backwards. He was basically pushed against the wall now and his hand was shaking lightly, it didn't happen often anymore unless he was startled. Luther grabbed Diego by the shoulders as soon as the latter bumped into him and said man was now hanging an inch above the ground.
"Nope, let me- Get your ape hands off of me!" He shouted.
"I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down." Luther simply stated.
Diego glanced at Five and then at Remy and noticed the latter's trembling hands and pale face with widened eyes. He was sure that if the boy would've been in dog form his tail would be between his legs so he gave up.
"Fine." He panted.
"Now, wanna tell us what you're talkin' about?" Luther let the smaller man go.
"Our brother's been pretty busy since he got back. He was in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's, and then at Gimble Brothers with Remy. The guys in masks who attacked the Academy were looking for him, looking for both of them." Diego pointed at them with anger.
"None of which is any of your concern." Five stated in a calm voice upon having noticed Remy's behaviour.
"It is now. They just killed my friend." Diego shot back with Luther giving Five a pointed look.
"Who are they, Five?" Luther asked.
"They work for our former employer." Remy found his voice back and relaxed slightly.
"A woman called The Handler." Five elaborated.
"She send them.. to stop us. Then, as soon as Patch got in their way, well.." Remy trailed off.
"And now I'm gonna get in their way. And I'm gonna see to it they pay." Diego shared his plan before turning around and starting to make his way out of the room.
"That would be a mistake, Diego. They've killed people far more dangerous then you." Five said.
"Yeah, we'll see about that." Diego replied when walking out the door, this time he did slam it shut behind him.
"Former employer? What's this really about? And don't give me any of this 'It's none of your business' crap, all right?" Luther spat out after a few seconds of silence.
"Well, it's a long story." Remy shrugged.
Luther said down once again and looked Remy dead in the eye, silently asking him for the story. Lucky for him, Remy obliged and cleared his throat.
Five was pointing his gun at the woman in front of them, she was dressed oddly and held a large suitcase in her hand. The man didn't have a clue where she came from, the only thing they had seen was a flash of blue light.
"Who the hell are you?" Five uttered.
"I'm here to help." The odd woman replied.
"Tell me why I shouldn't put a bullet through your head right now!" Five shouted when she started advancing towards them.
"Because.." The woman looked towards the dog next to Five and gave him a barely noticable wink.
"If you did, you wouldn't hear the offer I'm about to make you." She continued while taking of her sunglasses.
"Which would be rather tragic, given your.. current circumstances. I work for an organization called the Commision. We are tasked with the preservation of the time continuum through manipulation and removals." She finsihed explaining.
"I don't understand." Five said.
"Sometimes people.. make choices that alter time. Free will, don't get me started." The woman shrugged, she had seated herself on a box a minute ago.
"When that happens, we dispatch one of our agents to.. eliminate the threat." That caused Five to cock his gun again, alarmed by what the lady had said.
"No, no, no, no." The lady was quick to interrupt while letting out a chuckle.
"You misundertand me. You're not a target. You two are recruits. I've come to offer you a job, Number Five, Remy. We've had our eye on you for quite some time. And we think you have a lot of potential. Your survival skills have made you quite the celebrities back at the headquarters. That and your abilities to jump through time and shapeshift." She gave each a look when mentioning their powers.
"You saying that we.. We could actually leave here? Go.. Go back?" Five asked after lowering the gun.
"In return for five years of service." The lady offered.
"Once your contract is done, you can retire to the time and place of your choosings with a pension plan to boot." She stated.
"If you can alter time, why not stop all of this from ever happening?" Five had a point.
"That's quite impossible, I'm afraid. You see.. All of this, it was supposed to happen." The lady explained.
"That's insane. The end of everything?"
"Not everything. Just the end of.. something. So.." She said.
"Do we have an agreement?" She asked, holding out her hand for the old man to take and another to hold the dog's collar.
Five scoffed and shared a look with Delores, then with Remy who nodded. He looked back at the woman and he and Remy walked forwards. Five took her hand and Remy gave it a lick before she grabbed his color.
They turned us into the perfect instrument for rehabilitation of the time continuum. Or "corrections" as they called them. We weren't the only ones. There are others like us. Beings out of time, fractured, extracted from the lives that they knew. I don't know how they got there. But I do know none of them were as good as me or Five.
"Dallas Love Field, the Dallas-Forth Worth area broadcasters bring you a special description of the arrival of President John F. Kennedy. And the crowd yells, and the President of the United States.." An announcer on the radio was heard, Five was pointing his riffle at the place where the President would be stood any second now.
The announcer on the radio continued saying stuff and Five put the riffle down after a second. He grabbed some small book from his blazer and flipped through the pages.
They didn't realize it, but we were biding our time, trying to figure out the right equation so Five could get back. If he could just get back, he knew he could stop the apocalypse. Save the world."
Five was still flipping through the pages and Remy watched him carefully, they hadn't talked about what their actual plan if it were to come to it, and the moment for Five to go home was rapidly approaching.
"So we broke our contract."
Five turned around and balled his fists. He concentrated as good as he could and tried to create a portal back home. There was wooshing and zooming and even lighting appearing when the portal started to form and Five looked at Remy. Remy knew exactly what Five was thinking and stared back before giving a nod. He turned into a dog and sat at Five's side. When the portal was fully formed Five took a small step back and watched it carefully. Eventually a fire extinguisher flew through the portal and they were now able to see some people standing outside through the portal. Five and Remy shared one last glance before trudging into the portal with small gasps and yelps leaving their mouths. They had to use quite some strenght to push through and it proved to be easier said then done. Right when Remy was bout to give up he felt his body fall forwards and tumbling through the sky. He could feel himself getting slightly smaller and looked at Five to see a kid in his place. Their bodies must be changing due to some miscalculation. They hit the ground harshly with a loud thud and then everything went black for a few seconds.
Remy finished the story only to find Five staring at him in amazement and Luther standing in front of them with a plate in his hand, his mouth was agape. Had he said something wrong?
"What's wrong? Did I say something bad? Is there something on my face? What is it?" Remy rambled trying to figure out why the other two were staring at him.
"Nothing, just.. You're good at telling stories." Five explained himself and Remy just gave a surprised hum in response.
Luther handed Remy a cup of water and Remy quickly emptied it. His mouth had ran dry after talking that much.
"So.. You were a hitman?" Luther asked.
"Yes." Five said before Remy had the chance.
"Uh.. I mean, you had a code, right? You didn't kill just anybody." Luther stated.
"No code. We took out anyone who messed with the time line." Five said bitterly.
"What about innocent people?"
"It was the only way we could get back here."
"But that's murder."
"Jesus, Luther, grow up. We're not kids anymore. There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. There's just people, goin' about their lives. But when the world ends, all those people die, including your family." Remy said harshly.
"Time changes everything." Five stated.

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