She screamed in fear as her body collided with his hard form. She looked in his angry eyes with beating heart. The rage in his eyes made her lower her blue seas. He hated it when she would refuse to look at him. She whimpered when she felt the nozzle of his gun on her chin. He raised her face with his gun and made her look at him with her scared blue eyes.

"I should put a fucking bullet in these legs of yours for running away from me" He said in a hard voice as he now moved the nozzle of his gun on her legs. She felt her hair rise on every spot his gun was touching. She was too scared to even move a muscle right now. All she could do was tremble and cry. She knew that he was capable of doing exactly what he said. She had seen him hurt people with no traces of guilt.

"Ahhh.... " She screamed as she felt burning in her scalp. He had held her hair in his hard grip and pulled her to his face. Her hand came on his to loosen his grip which was useless since she wasn't strong enough to stop him from anything. Her other hand rested on his left shoulder in the position he had pulled her into.

Her face was inches apart from his. His hot breaths were falling on her skin. She looked at him with wide terror struck tearful eyes. Her lips trembled due to the cries and tears which were bubbling up inside her. He glanced at her luscious trembling lips but his cruel silver eyes came back to her fearful blue ones in an instant.

She was scared of the death grip in her hair, she was scared of the closed alone room she was in with him, she was scared of their close proximity, she was scared of the few inches of distance between them, she was scared of the cruel man looking at her lips.

"You will never return to your house and family now. This is your new home and there is no fucking getting away from here" He announced her punishment.

Hot tears which were on the brink of her eyes fell. This was too much, she couldn't do it. He could touch her, torture her, kiss her, bite her, mark her but after all of this was over, she would be at her home, in her safe zone where she could cry in her family's warm embrace. But he was taking away her safe space, she couldn't live with him. They weren't even married yet and she refused to accept him as her fiance.

"P-pl-ea... Ahhh...! " She tried to plead but another scream left her lips when he pulled her hair and closed the distance between them a few more inches. She tried to open his fist in her hair but failed. Her head was burning but she was more scared of his punishments. She knew it wouldn't end here. If he was keeping her here, he would do something to bother her.

"If you will dare run away from here, I will fucking cut your legs this time" He warned digging the gun in her left thigh and she whimpered at his hard scary voice. He left her hair and pushed her back making her fall on bed. He got up from the bed and turned to leave.

She watched him as he took his steps towards the door. Something clicked in her and she shoot up from the bed to run behind him to stop him. She didn't want to be prisoned here "N-no, p-please, d-don't..." She pleaded as she tried to stop him but he left and locked the door behind him. "No! " She couldn't be locked in that room.

She knocked on the door and screamed for someone to help her and open it. She pleaded him to let her out. She pleaded that she couldn't live here, she wanted to go home. She said sorry and begged him to let her out but all her cries and pleadings fell on deaf ear, he had left.

She slid down the door and cried.


It had been some hours since he had locked her there. After begging and knocking the door for some time, she got tired and cried on the floor near the door. After some time, she got few of her senses back and got up to look for an escape route. She wanted to get out of that hell hole, any way possible. She opened every door to assess the room she was put into. One of it was washroom while the other one was closet. The balcony door was also locked shut.

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