its serious

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A/n I decided to put evan peters in the story since I couldn't think of a last name for evan and he's another one of my crushes

I was out on my date with evan he was sweet and kind he didn't talked about himself like some other guys he actually wants to get to know well on first impressions anyway
"So how was your day" he asked tucking into his food "Yeah it was okay I dropped my daughter off at her dad's and now I'm here" I chuckled sipping my champagne I left my car at Alex's house since i was having a drink or two on the date

"What about yours" I asked evan nodded "Yeah it was good not filming today so got some grocerys then came here" he replied evan is an actor in American horror story I liked the show and I thought he was attractive when zoe set me up with him I didn't know it was him until we facetimed he knew who I was right off the bat obviously because he knows zoe

"That's good your not filming gives you a break" I said I knew filming cam be stressful well for music videos but for a TV show or a movie I knew it would be 10x harder "definitely does good thing we're almost done filming the series what about you not long till your touring" evan smiles at he as he spoke taking his glass of champagne in his hand

"I know to be honest I'm always nervous when it comes to touring and even more now since the album is now a hit" I laughed evan laughed aswell yelling me I'll do amazing on tour after dinner evan offered to drop me off home in the taxi which I accepted

In the taxi it was silent not awkward comfortable the radio on playing the latest tunes from this week evan had his hand on my knee his touch was warm giving me butterfly's I haven't felt like this since the kiss Alex and I had I didn't forget about it but didn't bring it up to anyone I assumed alex forgot about it so I pretended I did

But I'm trying to move on from alex I still love him as I said multiple times before he's the father of my child so how could I not but evan is a nice guy and I do like him he's sweet and kind cares about me and I want to get to know him more

"Do you want to maybe come to my house" I asked feeling embarrassed 'what if he thinks I'm easy'i thought to myself "are you sure"he replied with a smile "of course" evan told the driver to just go to my address and from that night on we got close

December 2013

Touring at Christmas time can be hectic but luckily tonight is mine and zoes last show then we can go back home in England to our family rhiannon is spending Christmas eve with me and my family then on Christmas day with alex in penny and David's house evan was going back home to spend Christmas with his family during the weeks rhiannon wasn't on tour with us he would tag along we grew much closer the more Time spent with each other

But press soon discovered us together and we were everywhere on magazines the lot we obviously knew this was going to happen but we did try to keep it a secret guess we're hopeless at that especially when alex got the news

"Lucy what the fuck" Alex's voice beamed through the phone "what'd up with you" I asked confused "you couldn't keep it a secret that your dating a actor rhiannon isn't supposed to know" he said okay now I know why he's upset "it's not my fault the press were there alex I can't help it and you know that out of all people you should" I calmly stated

"Is this serious I need to know before rhiannon finds out" alex asked I let out a sigh my hand on my temple

Alex's pov

"Yes alex I really like him" Lucy's voice whispered I wished I never fucking asked "alex?" Her voice kept whispering  down the phone "Yeah" I didn't realise how long I stayed silence for "are you okay" she asked "Yeah I'm fine honestly well if you feel it's serious then maybe I can meet him you know as we discussed" I chuckled to cover my tracks but inside my heart kept breaking over and over again

"Yeah I'd love for you to meet him al" Lucy's voice was excited it's almost a year since we broke up and I'm still sad I can't move on but now it looks like I have to "Okay well arrange a day after Christmas" I said I didn't want to meet him as far as I'm aware he's a actor in some horror show lucy really seems to like him I'm happy for her 'well at least I'm telling myself'

I can't lie I envy this evan guy he had what I have, what I still want my Lucy she's the only woman I will ever love she is the love of my life and now I don't have her it hurts

"Great I'll let evan know" her voice beamed down the phone we bid our goodbyes and hung up I stood leaning over the kitchen counter sorrowful "it's really over" I sighed proceeding to take out a bottle of whisky and a glass

Lucy's pov
I'm excited for alex to meet evan I think alex will like him I do think mine and Evans relationship is growing stronger he can on tour when alex had rhiannon on breaks and we were like 'puppy love' as zoe would say miles had already met evan aswell as Jamie and nick along with the girls and think he's a really nice guy

But Alex doesn't know as far as I'm aware of it but roll on after Christmas now I need to prepare evan for probably one of the many uncomfortable situations he's going to be in

Omg I finally updated 😭 but anyway how do you all feel about evan being Lucy's new love interest idk why I randomly thought of the name evan and then evan peters

so yeah also this chapter was rushed I wanted to get it done quickly since I've been up to my eyeballs with college work

Anyway have a great day and if I don't update before Christmas merry Christmas everyone 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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