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"GIRLS NIGHT" we yelled squeezing each other in a hug zoe kicked the door shut with her foot both of us skipping to the kitchen

"I just came in my Jim jams if that's alright" zoe said
"Of course it is make yourself at home" I smiled pouring 2 glasses of wine

"Your going to think I'm a kid or something but a brought like face makes and all that pampering stuff oh also a brought wine" she said holding up her plastic bag in the air

"Why thank you" I said handing her a glass of wine taking a seat on the sofa
"So how's everything been I haven't seen you since what Wednesday" I started sipping my wine

"Nothing much just been working away my boss is a right dickhead I mean he think he's Mr know it all but really he's Mr know all fuck all" she chuckled

"I mean it's a guitar store I work at and yet he makes it out if so I'm selling the guitars and all to jimi hendrix or something" she sighed

"Fuck sake zoe he seems a right dickhead" I said
"He was alright with me until he tried to hit on me and I rejected him" she shrugged
"Anyway enough of me what about you" she asked

"Well apart from rhiannon misbehaving alright" I shrugged there wasn't really anything important going on zoe knows about the photoshoot I had a few days ago on Tuesday since she came with me

"Have you spoke to alex" she asked sipping the wine then taking a haribo giant strawberry to her mouth

"I spoke to him earlier matt told him about rhiannon and I explained what's going on and we talked about the tour and he asked about me writing more music" I said zoe nodding her head listening

"And" she asked chewing another gummy strawberry I took one aswell
"I said I got a few bits and that we've been writing together and how u play the bass and a bit of drums" I said

"Also he said that we should maybe start a band I said we spoke about it and we don't know" I added zoe nodded her head I felt some sort of guilty feeling

"I think we should I mean think of it we write some pretty fucking good lyrics together and that" zoe smiled dowing the last of her wine turning to face me

"We do but the girls and their school" I sighed
"There's more options for them homeschooling on the road I'm sure that's a thing or we could just become temporary teachers" she chuckled

"Your right but I think we should just write stuff the now and when it's time to record then we'll figure that out plus we need to go to the company so they can see what you've got" I sighed

"Yeah fuck I didn't think sorry its just im getting excited I mean in the past what couple of weeks we've became so close like sisters" she smiled nudging my shoulder

"Yeah we have" I chuckled
Me and zoe have the type of friendship me and Courtney have I miss Courtney
No one really knows what happened between us I don't even know

After I moved to London with alex and Rhiannon me and Courtney drifted apart I tried multiple times to phone her but she must've changed her number or blocked me

"So have you wrote more" zoe asked
"Not much a few sentences but their shite really what about you" I asked
"Same" she sighed

"I don't know how alex and miles do this I mean they can come up with songs with minutes and with me it takes ages I mean it took some years for me to write an album" I chuckled zoe let out another chuckle

"It's a pain in the arse" she giggled I nodded
"What would you want the album to be like" zoe asked flicking through channels on the tv till she found the music channel
"I don't know I want it to sound different from the other one" I shrugged

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now