heart of gold

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After that night alex got his act together we would take rhiannon on days out just the three of us alex we toured a little bit matt met his girlfriend breana when the boys were filming their music video black treacle she's so lovely me and kaite got on with her very well along with amy we would go on shopping trips while the boys recorded music videos or songs

But old habits make their way back sooner or later alex started to drink a little bit more I didn't say anything it  was in there house so I couldn't complain he was fine only had a few making him tipsy I sometimes joined him then went to bed

One day it was a lovely day and we sat out the garden just relaxing rhiannon was playing with amy me and alex sipping on an ice cold beer on the chairs music playing in the background Robert palmers addicted to love to be exact me and alex singing along to the old classic tune

"I love this" he said holding my hand placing a kiss on it "me too" I replied watching the girls play it was amazing how they were so close never argued was best friends like the way me and Courtney used to be I miss her I wonder how she is 'is she still with that guy' 'has she got a family of her own' 'Does she miss me' sometimes I wish I could go back to the good old days for one day the happy times

"What's on your mind love" alex asked noticing me in my own little world "just watching the girls reminds me how me and Courtney used to be" I sighed reveling in nostalgia "christ haven't heard that name in ages" alex replied now lost in his own little daydream she really was there through everything if it wasn't for her me and alex wouldn't be where we are now the first kiss when we got together in her house when I found out I was pregnant she was there for me when the arctic monkeys had their first album everything

I miss her "I wonder how she is" alex said sipping his beer "you and me both" I sighed again resting my head on his shoulder "maybe we should go see her one day" alex suggested I shrugged my shoulders not thinking it was a good idea "what if she hates me al" I said a sad look on my face "how could she hate you" alex asked confused

"Because I didn't pay attention to her I left her I was too busy with rhiannon you the band my own career then I left out the blue if I was her I would loath me" I said a stray tear slipping out my eye she would hate me never want to see my face again "don't think like that you did pay attention to her but your a mother and you chased your dream if anything she'd be proud of you lucy" alex said with a reassuring smile but I wasn't fully convinced

Running a hand throught my hair that's now a bit shorter that it usually is rhiannon ran up to us half way through a new song "daddy" she said hopping onto his lap "Yes sweetpea" he replied a huge smile on his face as our 8 year old
"What song is that"she asked as the old 60s tune played in the background
"That's janis joplin init love" he asked me I nodded my head "it's summertime by janis joplin do you like it" I asked rhiannon nodded her head "she's so good" she complimented I had a smile on my face I loved my daughters taste for old music at such a young age

"Janis is one of Mummy's favourites" I said my daughter smiled and said she was hers to even though she never heard of her till now "right you go play with amy and have fun" alex chuckled letting her off his lap rhiannon ran to amy and went back to playing with amy
"It's amazing how she's got such an old soul" alex chuckled

"I know she's just like her mum" I teased alex smirked "Yeah but she's got her daddy's looks" he replied pecking my lips a few times I pulled away before alex deepend the kiss "Hey there you kiddies are present now" I chuckled Alex rolled his eyes mouthing "wait till tonight" with a mischievous smirk on his face making me grow hot I tried to focus on something else but Alex was on my mind now his hair in that quiff making him more handsome if that was even possible

Later on zoe came and picked amy up after her date she went on with miles they were really hitting it off for the past couple of months and I think they will end up together sooner than I thought zoe and I had a decision on having a genre change with our material it was a bit all over the place and we wanted a soft rock shift to it we thought it would go well our voices were very sycidelic rock it'd be perfect and I was writing already

I was writing a song named gods and monsters alex was helping me write it we were nearly finished it I decided to not release it till a later date till me and zoe was 100% satisfied with all our material we want to bring out not rushing things maybe people will like our stuff more we weren't popular like alex and the boys are I didn't mind I'm still doing something I love

Rhiannon was watching a cartoon she's been into a lot recently almost naked animals I don't even know what it was but she loved it alex was strumming his guitar to some songs he ended up playing a songs i knew too well 'heart of gold'by Neil Young

"I wanna live I wanna give"
Alex started singing a smile played on my lips rhiannon turned her attention to her dad as his focus was on the guitar

"I been a minor for a heart of gold"
"It's there's expression I never give that keep me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old"

Rhiannon sat on my knee beside alex I wish I could live this moment forever just the three of us happy the way it used to be

"I been to Hollywood I been to redwood"
"I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold"

Alex looked up his eyes meeting mine and I sung along with him my knee swaying rhiannon as she laid her head on my chest

"I've been in my mind it's such a fine line"
"That keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old"

Rhiannons little eyes began to shut my fingers brushing through her dark locks soothing her into slumber

"Keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old"
"Keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old"

I neved thought I could love alex more than I already do but I felt my love for him grow more and more as I looked into his chocolatey orbs I loved that man with every breath and bone in my body I wanted to be his and now I am our daughter in my arms nothing could make me more happy than I am right now

"Keep me searching for a heart of gold"
"I've been a minor for a heart of gold"

Alex ended the song I couldn't help but have the biggest smile on my face alex smiled back lovingly licking his lips
"What'd you say we take her to bed and we have some alone time" alex said I nodded alex carried rhiannon to her bed tucking her in both of us placing a kiss on top of her head leaving the room into our own

I couldn't ask for a more perfect family my beautiful daughter who adores us as much as we adore her a loving partner who I love so much me and alex has never been happier after that little incident a while ago but I think alex took that as a lesson learned and he got his act together after all as alex says its the three of us againt the world

Or so I thought

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz