Closer and closer

969 19 21

(9 weeks later)

I'm now 7 months pregnant 27 weeks to the exact let me tell you it's a nightmare
Poor Alex is walking on eggshells around me once minute I'm happy next I'm sad or angry
I've been having pelvic pain a lot aswell as backache
My boobs were huge Alex can't stop looking at them aswell as my baby bump that was humongous
My hands and feet were always swollen and I've been having hot flushes and always out of breath

I was laying in bed my new favourite thing to do admiring my bump I could feel my daughter moving around in there I shouted Alex over he always loved watching her move around or kick my belly
"Wha' yeh alright babeh"Alex asked I nodded
"She's moving"I smiled Alex laid down beside me placing a hand on my bare bump
"Oh sheh kicked"Alex exclaimed with a wide smile on his face

"Does it hurt"he always asked this question I found it so cute when he asked
"No baby it feels weird by it doesn't hurt"I smiled Alex nodded
"I can't wait teh meet her"Alex sighed happily
"Me too I bet she'll look like you"I giggled Alex shook his head

"No shehs gunna beh as gorgeous as her Mummeh"Alex smiled pecking my lips
"No she's going to look like her daddy"I protested
"Mooch yeh wanna bet"Alex smirked
"Not betting money mister"I chuckled Alex smirked only grew wider
"Who said anything about moneh"he replied kissing my neck until we were interrupted by the door
Making us groan in annoyance

I got up to open the door to find Courtney with polly and Jamie Matt Andy and Nick all waiting to be let in
"Hello guys I didn't know you were coming today"I smiled
"Thought weh would surprise yeh bof"Jamie said letting himself in
As well as the rest

"Look at you Lucy you bump is so cute"Courtney squealed placing polly into her pram that Andy was pushing
"It's so annoying my back is in agony"i chuckled
"Well no' long now eh"Nick chimed in
"Yeah well I'm on my third trimester now seven months about 27 weeks so around Erm 13 weeks till my due date"I replied

"Fookin buzzin"Alex giggled entering the living room with some drinks non alcoholic of course everyone doesn't want to drink alcohol around me because I obviously can't have any and they think it's not fair that they drink and I can't but I don't know how many times I told them I don't mind at all

It's now January Alex's birthday had past I got him a new acoustic guitar and a new journal just incase he runs out of space and I bought him a super daddy pyjama set which he loves so much
We also went on a date in his birthday to the cinema and a nice restaurant since it was his seventh I told him to go out with the lads and enjoy himself but he went against it he's words were
"I'd rather spend mEh 17th wif mEh gorgeous girlfriend and mEh unborn babeh" making me smile a toothy smile

(February 27th 2003)
I'm closer to my due date May 11th Alex was very supportive he released the bands demo album beneath the broadwalk and now in the middle of recording their debut album what ever people say I am that's what I'm not
That would be released about when the baby's a year old Alex said

My mum and Izzy have been coming over every day for almost a month since I can't barely walk as it is
My dad tried to contact me through my mum but my mum didn't tell him a thing without my permission I didn't want to talk to him
I'm almost at the end of my pregnancy and he wasn't there when I needed my father so he can get lost

Me and Alex are preparing for the baby coming him and my mum went to our local Tesco to by all sorts of nappy's and baby milk since I'm still debating on breastfeeding or not
"Is tha' all weh need"Alex asked
"It should be oh we need a dummy"I gasped
"I'll go get one now cause weh end up forgettin"Alex chuckled grabbing his coat then heading back out into cold rainy Sheffield

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now