lyrics and double dates

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I opened my eyes groaning my eyes trying their hardest to adjust to the light of the room my head pounding I turned to my side to face Alex sleeping peacefully with one arm around my waist the other under his head his face soft a little bit of acne at some places but he's just so good looking

I couldn't help but smile thinking about last night even though I was a little bit drunk I didn't regret it and I'm happy I did it with Alex
I couldn't stop staring at him admiring his every feature 'I caught you boy' I thought I was wanting him for ages and now I finally got him he's mine

"I kno' yer staring at mEh"he mumbled his eyes still closed
"Shut up dickhead"I giggled placing my hand on his cheek my thumb stroking his cheekbone
"Keep doin tha' feels nice"he mumbled falling back to sleep so I continued to stroke his cheek

Alex fell back asleep and I was left with my own thoughts I looked around his room then an idea popped into my head I needed to find a piece of paper somewhere

I had an idea a lyric I know I would never become a singer or have any fame but I loved writing music and right now Alex was all I could write about I grabbed a pen from his desk still wearing Alex t-shirt and panties I sat on his chair I found a plane piece of paper And began to write

'Im yours and I'm free I'm fun I'm wild as can be I want you boy I want you boy" I wrote down then blank 'really Lucy that's all'I mentally said to myself I folded the piece of paper and placed it into my Jean pocket that was on the floor 'I'll write that shite in my journal when I'm home'I thought sitting back on Alex's chair looking out the window

Another thought came to my head 'home' how was I going to react with my parents divorcing I never thought of them not being together but as I always say "onwards and upwards" Alex began to move around sitting up rubbing his tired eyes my gaze looking at him for a brief second then my eyes fixed back to the window

"What's up"Alex asked getting out of bed to hug me
"Nothing"i mumbled as Alex wrapped his arms around me from behind I crossed my arms over his smiling at the moment we were having
"Summats up"he mumbled into my hair
"Just thinking of mum and dad"i sighed Alex nodded understandably and pecked my cheek
"I kno' it's hard luv but yeh gotta accept it like yeh always say onwards and upwards"he smiled "I love you"i mumbled
"I luv yeh more"Alex chuckled

Me and Alex went and ate breakfast I chatted to penny about what I wanted to do when I leave school I said I wanted to be a singer but don't think I could ever be one
"Never say never" penny stated to me

I went home around 3:00pm I was dredging it I walked in my house to see my mum and dad in the kitchen laughing and joking
"Oh hey darling"my mum smiled
"I'm mega confused I thought you two were getting a divorce so why you both happy to be in the same room"I asked pointing to them with furrowed brows
"We both agreed to be friends we get on better that way"my dad taking a sip of his coffee I nodded in response

"Where were you anyway"my mum asked
"I was staying with Alex"I stated grabbing a can of cola from the fridge
"Doing what"my dad asked he knew me and Alex are together now and he's been constantly on my case when he knows I'm with him
"Watching movies and I was talking to penny mostly"I lied
"He better keep his hands to himself"my dad stated
'If you knew what happened it would break your heart'I thought
(August 1st 3weeks later)
Me Alex Courtney and Andy were sitting in the cinema waiting on the movie to start
Andy and Courtney started dating a week ago even though Courtney had a drunk make out with with Matt but she ended it the only told Alex and I so we've been going on little double dates sometimes

"Lucy pass the popcorn"Alex asked his eyes fixed on the screen i was holding the popcorn that Alex insisted we share "here"I smiled handing him the popcorn
He turned his head instantly groaning an "oh for fooks sake" making me furrow my brows
I turned my head to see what he meant Courtney and Andy making out
"Fuck sake"I sighed "want teh go teh a different row"he asked I nodded

Me and Alex got up and sat a few rows down from Courtney and Andy
"They are worse than us"I chuckled
"They are"he giggled resting his head on my shoulder

I was getting tuned back into the movie when Alex started to kiss my neck sweetly
"Wha' yeh wanna do for yer birfdaeh"he asked continuing to kiss my neck
"Alex not now we're in public"I whispered feelings my cheeks go red at the thought of someone catching us
"I don't care cause I'm not trying anyfing"he mumbled then rested his head back on my shoulder 'that teasing basterd' I said to myself

"Yeh still haven't answered mEh question"he whispered
"I don't know al probably get black out drunk"I whispered smiling
"Now watch the movie before we get kicked out"I whispered with a quiet chuckle
Once the movie ended me and Alex went back to Courtney and Andy who were putting their jackets back on
"Where did yeh two go"Andy asked smirking
"Well since you two were eating each other's faces off making we and Alex hit the boke we went to a different row"I said with a sarcastic smile Andy replied with a "well then"

"I'm going back to Andy's house what are you to doing"Courtney asked as we walked to the bus stop
"Wanna come teh mine mEh mum and dad aren't home and weh could do a jam sesh"Alex asked I nodded
"Yeah a jam sesh"Courtney chuckled making me and Alex giggle

Soon enough I found myself in Alex's bedroom Alex was holding his electric guitar in his hands
"I got a song I wanna show yeh"Alex stated making my eyes shoot wide open
"You wanna show me a song" I asked he simply nodded with a cute smile
"We'll go on then"i beamed
"This is I bet that you look good on the dancefloor"he mumbled looking at his guitar

Alex strummed the strings on his electric guitar in a fast tempo it was definitely catchy before you even heard the lyrics
"Stop making the eyes at me I'll stop making the eyes at you what it is that surprises me is that I don't really want you to"Alex voice sang making my heart flutter

The song came to an end Alex let out a nervous chuckle
"So Wha' yeh fink" he asked with the look of shame and hope in his eyes
"Alex I fucking love it"i beamed smiling
"Yer onleh saying tha' cause I'm yer boyfriend"he chuckled
"No I'm not I swear on my life it's the truth your going to be big"I smiled giving him a peck
"I've been finking"he mumbled into the kiss i hummed for him to continue
"I'm finking about starting a band"he chuckled pulling away
"I think you defo should"I replied

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن