weekend forgiving

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(1 month later Lucy's pov)

"Lucy any new material done yet" zoe asked me I had been writing all throughout the break up getting my feelings down on paper alex would most likely be doing the same

"Yeah a whole lot I don't know if I want to release it I mean I'm not over it" I sighed fiddling with my pen rhiannon gifted me for mothers day "Lucy I know you've been together for over 10 years obviously you can't get over him over night but maybe getting out have a break take your mind off things" zoe advised she's right I know I should be sulking even now that I knew he didn't cheat but what else can I do take him back no

"Maybe going back on the road independently just us will be good I suppose" I shrugged zie gave me a smile "now let's get more writing done" she said grabbing a pen and my notebook

By the end of the night we had practically a full album with some songs I wrote a few months ago with a riff for them zoe had one or two songs down and the rest we wrote together we called our manager letting him know we had new material for them now waiting on a booking for a studio

(2 weeks later)
"Now alex I'm warning you one fuck up and I swear to god" I warned alex came over to pick rhiannon up over the last month alex has been sober miles was telling me he's been doing great so I gave him a chance to have rhiannon stay with him for the weekend

"I know, I know Lucy don't worry everything's-" alex stopped mid sentence my ringtone cutting him off "Oh hold on a minute" I excused checking my phone to see who it was

It was my manager I answered the phone to hear the news "hello lucy" he spoke down the line "Ian hi how are you" I asked my hand on my hip hearing what Ian had to say "so I got you a studio booked" he informed "amazing where" I asked I heard him sigh on the other end of the line alex was looking at me as I engaged in the phone call

"That's the thing it's in L.A and its best to move there for a year or so till the albums finished"he said my eyes almost popped out my head "L.A can we not do somewhere closer I mean rhiannon and amy what about alex he just got to see rhiannon" I said alex was looking at me worryingly I felt bad I wanted to decline the whole thing but this is mine and zoes chance to make it in America

"He's moving there too with the boys for their album" Ian said I was now looking at alex "Okay I'll do it" I sighed we said goodbye after making all the other arrangements for moving to L.A I put my phone back into my pocket

"So your moving to L.A" alex asked I nodded "I guess so yeah" I said "How will you tell rhiannon" alex asked "We're going to have to tell her together" I sighed going back to packing rhiannons bag for the weekend

"Lucy I just wanted to apologise for my behaviour the last couple of months I don't know what gotten into me but it wasn't fair on you and Rhiannon and for saying all those things to you it wasn't me I'm sincerely sorry" alex said I gave him a soft smile "I forgive you alex no point On holding grudges anymore" I said he smiled back

"I seen the girl in that picture a few weeks ago" I started before I continued "she told me everything I'm sorry I didn't believe you alex" I felt a tear slipping out my eye "don't apologise its only natural for you to be like that lucy I would've been the same friends?" Alex said I nodded

"Yeah well we have to be civil for rhiannon" I chuckled Alex gave me a hug it still felt the same as the the hugs from years ago I still love him but maybe it's for the best we stay friends

"Rhiannon come on we have to go" alex called pulling away from the hug rhiannon ran out from her room I gave alex her bag for the weekend I gave rhiannon a kiss and Cuddle before I watched them leave

(Alex's pov)
"You excited to stay at uncle miles with me" I asked my daughter who sat on the backseat "Yeah I haven't seen uncle miles in a long time but I'm really excited to see you daddy" she smiled brightly my heart warmed hearing my daughter say that "me too pumpkin" I smiled back

The music filled the car rhiannons favourite songs playing rhiannon sang along I joined in almost at miles house

"Is that who I think it is?" Miles beamed the second I opened the front door "Honey I'm home" I joked rhiannon immediately ran to miles who swooped her up for a hug "Uncle miles" she cheered "christ you got taller or am I shrinking" he joked rhiannon laughed shaking her head "No I'm taller" she said "How old you now 30,40?" He continues to joke "no silly I'm nine" she laughed

"Right let's get this weekend started" I smiled pretending to chase rhiannon around the house like we used to do until she spotted a bunch of presents "What's that"she asked me I smiled kneeling down to her height

"That pumpkin is your birthday presents" I said I missed her birthday for my stupid actions but I wanted to make it up to her this weekend "really thank you daddy" she smiled giving me a hug I hugged my daughter back giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Say thank you to uncle miles to some of them are from him" I said she did the same with miles and ran to open her presents

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now